Enhanced refrigerant capacity in two-phase nanocrystalline/amorphous NdPrFe17 melt-spun ribbons
Sánchez Valdés, Cesar Fidel
Ibarra Gaytán, Pablo Jesús
Sánchez Llamazares, José Luis
Ávalos Borja, Miguel
Álvarez Alonso, Pablo
Gorria, Pedro
Blanco Rodríguez, Jesús Angel
"he magnetocaloric properties of NdPrFe17 melt-spun ribbons composed of nanocrystallites surrounded by an intergranular amorphous phase have been studied. The nanocomposite shows two successive second-order magnetic phase transitions (303 and 332 K), thus giving rise to a remarkable broadening (approximate to 84 K) of the full-width at the half-maximum of the magnetic entropy change curve, Delta S-M(T), with a consequent enhancement of the refrigerant capacity RC. For a magnetic field change of 2 T, vertical bar Delta S-M(peak)vertical bar = 2.1 J kg(-1) K-1 and RC = 175 J kg(-1). Therefore, the reversible magnetocaloric response together with the one-step preparation process makes these nanostructured Fe-rich alloy ribbons particularly attractive for room temperature magnetic refrigeration."