Browsing División de Geociencias Aplicadas by Author "Aguirre Díaz, Gerardo de Jesus"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Boiling-over dense pyroclastic density currents during the formation of the similar to 100 km(3) Huichapan ignimbrite in Central Mexico: Stratigraphic and lithofacies analysis
Pacheco Hoyos, Jaime Gabriel; Aguirre Díaz, Gerardo de Jesus; Dávila Harris, Pablo (Elsevier, 2018)"A lithofacies analysis of the Huichapan ignimbrite has been undertaken to evaluate its depositional history from large pyroclastic density currents. The Huichapan ignimbrite is a massive ignimbrite sheet with a maximum ... -
The Ilopango Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) eruption, El Salvador: Volcano-stratigraphy and physical characterization of the major Holocene event of Central America
Pedrazzi, Dario; Sune Puchol, Ivan; Aguirre Díaz, Gerardo de Jesus; Costa, Antonio; Smith, Victoria C; Poret, Matthieu; Dávila Harris, Pablo; Miggins, Daniel Paul; Hernández, Walter; Gutiérrez, Eduardo (Elsevier, 2019)"The Ilopango caldera is the source of the large Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) eruption that occurred about 1.5 ka years ago, between ca. AD270 and AD535. The eruption dispersed volcanic ash over much of the present territory ...