Browsing División de Geociencias Aplicadas by Author "Alva Valdivia, Luis Manuel"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
A review of iron oxide transformations, rock magnetism and interpretation of magnetic anomalies: el Morro Mine (Brazil), a case study
Alva Valdivia, Luis Manuel; López Loera, Héctor (2011)"Se presenta una revisión de la mineralogía de los óxidos de hierro y su relación con las propiedades magnéticas. Se discuten los procesos magnéticos y modelos de una gran área alrededor de la mina El Morro, Brasil en el ... -
Estudio aeromagnético del complejo volcánico de Colima, occidente de México - implicaciones tectónicas y estructurales
López Loera, Héctor; Urrutia Fucugauchi, Jaime; Alva Valdivia, Luis Manuel (2011-12)"Se reporta la interpretación cualitativa y cuantitativa de anomalías aeromagnéticas del complejo volcánico de Colima (CVC) y sus alrededores. La zona se caracteriza por anomalías magnéticas de distintas amplitudes y ... -
Magnetic characteristics of fracture zones and constraints on the subsurface structure of the Colima Volcanic Complex, western Mexico
López Loera, Héctor; Urrutia Fucugauchi, Jaime; Alva Valdivia, Luis Manuel (GeoScienceWorld, 2010)"Detailed magnetic anomaly surveys over the central and southern sector of the Colima rift, western Mexico, are used to investigate the subsurface structure and faults and/or fractures in the volcanic terrains formed by ... -
Paleomagnetic pole positions and geomagnetic secular variation from the Cretaceous Ponta Grossa dike swarm (Brazil)
Cervantes Solano, Miguel Angel; Alva Valdivia, Luis Manuel; Morales Contreras, Juan; Cejudo Ruíz, Fredy Rubén; López Loera, Héctor; Soler Arechalde, Ana María; Urrutia Fucugauchi, Jaime (2015)"A detailed paleomagnetic and rock magnetic investigation has been carried out on the Early Cretaceous Ponta Grossa dike swarm in southern Brazil. This formation seems an excellent target for paleomagnetic study. The dikes ... -
Rock magnetism and microscopy of the Jacupiranga alkaline-carbonatitic complex, southern Brazil
Alva Valdivia, Luis Manuel; Perrin, Mireille; Rivas Sánchez, María De La Luz; Goguitchaichvili, Avto; López Loera, Héctor; Lopes, Omar Ferreira; Bonás, Thiago Bastos (Springer, 2009)"This study of the Cajati deposit provides evidence that the ore was neither purely hydrothermal, nor volcanic in origin, as previous workers have proposed. The ores were formed from magnetite-rich magmas, hydrothermally ...