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The VISHMOD methodology with hydrochemical modeling in intermountain (karstic) aquifers: case of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico

dc.contributor.authorMorán Ramírez, Janete
dc.contributor.authorRamos Leal, José Alfredo
dc.contributor.editorCanadian Center of Science and Education
dc.identifier.citationMORAN-RAMIREZ, Janete; RAMOS-LEAL, Jose Alfredo. The VISHMOD Methodology with Hydrochemical Modeling in Intermountain (Karstic) Aquifers: Case of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. Journal of Geography and Geology, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. p132, may 2014. ISSN 1916-9787. Available at:
dc.description.abstract"Hydrogeochemistry can be studied qualitatively using graphics such as scatter plots and Piper, Durov, and Schoeller diagrams, among others, and quantitatively by applying mass balance mixing models. The VISHMOD methodology (Virtual Samples in Hydrochemical Modeling) combines these two forms of hydrogeochemical characterizations. It is performed by applying hydrogeochemical modeling to virtual samples. This method makes standardization and control possible in order to demonstrate the extent to which a model is able to reproduce field measurements. Therefore, hydrogeochemical models of hydrogeological systems must be calibrated. This methodology was applied to carbonate and homogeneous media in the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico. Using the VISHMOD methodology in this region resulted in the classification of the water type as calcium bicarbonate (Ca-HCO3), representing a ternary mixture in which 45.5% was associated with local flow, 38.5% to intermediate flow and 16.5% to water-rock interaction. The main mineral phases were saturated calcite and sub-saturated dolomite, both from limestone contained in the Tamaulipas Formation."
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectHydrochemical modeling
dc.subjectTernary mixing
dc.subjectVirtual composition
dc.subjectWater-rock interaction
dc.titleThe VISHMOD methodology with hydrochemical modeling in intermountain (karstic) aquifers: case of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico
dc.rights.accessAcceso Abierto

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