Now showing items 1-20 of 32

    • A multivibrator circuit based on chaos generation 

      Campos Cantón, Eric; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Campos Cantón, Isaac (2012)
      "We present a parameterized method to design multivibrator circuits via piecewise-linear (PWL) chaotic systems, which can exhibit double-scroll oscillations. The circuit is conformed exploiting a parametric modulation that ...
    • Activation of neuronal ensembles via controlled synchronization 

      Solís Perales, Gualberto Celestino; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo (2017)
      "In this contribution we present the activation of neuronal ensembles of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons by controlled synchronization. The main problem consists in to impose a particular spiking-bursting behavior in all the neurons ...
    • Adaptive tracking via pinning in networks of nonidentical nodes 

      Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo (2018)
      "We investigate the control of dynamical networks for the case of nodes, that although different, can be make passive by feedback. The so-called V-stability characterization allows for a simple set of stabilization conditions ...
    • Chaos evidence in catecholamine secretion at chromaffin cells 

      Quiroz Compeán, Griselda; Bonifas Arredondo, Imelda; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2012)
      "Chromaffin cells secrete catecholamine molecules via exocytosis process. Each exocytotic event is characterized by a current spike, which corresponds to the amount of released catecholamine from secretory vesicles after ...
    • Cluster synchronization in networks of structured communities 

      Ruiz Silva, Adriana; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; 000 (2018)
      "We investigate the synchronization problem for a network of subnetwork with community structure. We consider a model with different levels of interconnection: At the first, strongly coupled adjacent nodes are modeled as ...
    • Conditions for synchronization and chaos in networks of β-cells 

      Van De Weem, Joris M W; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Nijmeijer, Henk (2009)
      "The insulin producing and releasing pancreatic β-cells play a key role in glucose homeostasis. The proper function of these cells is characterized by a spiking-bursting activity in their membrane potential. It is known ...
    • Consenso en arreglos maestro-seguidores de agentes inerciales 

      Ávila Martínez, Eber Jafet (2014)
      "In this work, we investigate the consensus problem in master-slaves arrays on systems of multiple agents with second order dynamics and significant inertial differences (inertial agents), in fixed and weighted directed ...
    • Construcción de familias de sistemas caóticos lineales por partes 

      Franco López, Arturo (2017-12)
      "En el estudio de sistemas dinámicos hay gran interés en la generación de sistemas caóticos con propiedades particulares, ya sea simplicidad de estructural, atractores con múltiples enroscados, entre otras. En los métodos ...
    • Control de consenso y formación en arreglos de agentes móviles 

      Hernandez Hernandez, Miguel Ibrahin (2022-12-08)
      En este trabajo de tesis, se propone utilizar un protocolo de consenso para diseñar controladores que le permitan a un grupo de agentes móviles (Robots tipo uniciclo y diferencial) seguir una trayectoria en una formación ...
    • Control Digital de Sistemas Lineales por Partes: Rediseño Digital 

      Moncada Beltrán, Brandon Alberto (2022-10)
      "Los avances tecnológicos de las últimas décadas, han traido consigo significativas aportaciones en las áreas de la teoría de control y los sistemas dinámicos. Cada vez más es notorio el interés de aprovechar las ventajas ...
    • Diseño de emuladores híbridos con aplicación en circuitos caóticos 

      Rodríguez Martínez , Eduardo Elpidio (2022-05-18)
      "El memresistor es un dispositivo electrónico de dos terminales descrito por una relación constitutiva no lineal entre la carga y el flujo magnético. En años recientes ha surgido un gran interés en explotar las potenciales ...
    • Distributed control for consensus on leader-followers proximity graphs 

      Ávila Martínez, Eber Jafet; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo (International Federation of Automatic Control, 2018)
      "We propose two distributed controller solutions to the leader-followers consensus problem on inertial multiagent systems with guarantee connectivity preservation based on artificial potential functions. On the first one, ...
    • Efficiency of quarantine and self-protection processes in epidemic spreading control on scale-free networks 

      Esquivel Gómez, José de Jesús; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo (2018)
      "One of the most effective mechanisms to contain the spread of an infectious disease through a population is the implementation of quarantine policies. However, its efficiency is affected by different aspects, for example, ...
    • Generación de comportamientos colectivos sobre grafos de proximidad 

      Ávila Martínez, Eber Jafet (2022-01-05)
      "The distributed control of multi-robot systems has been studied extensively in the past few decades. Theoretical frameworks, where graphs model the local interactions between robots, have been developed to analyze and ...
    • Lie algebra on synchronization of different systems: a generalized function for Hodgkin-Huxley neurons 

      Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Solís Perales, Gualberto Celestino (2007)
      "In this contribution two results are taken: (1) The synchronization of noiseless Hodgkin- Huxley (HH) neurons is possible from robust feedback based on Lie algebra approaches and (2) the fact that, from Lie algebra of ...
    • Localización de Atractores Ocultos en Sistemas Lineales por Partes Basados en la Ecuación Jerk 

      Ponce Pacheco, Daniel Alfredo (2020)
      "Los sistemas dinámicos no lineales pueden presentar fenómenos dinámicos conocidos como atractores los cuales atraen a las soluciones del sistema que se encuentran lo suficientemente cerca. El estado final, es decir, el ...
    • Modelado y análisis de redes evolutivas 

      Anzo Hernández, Andrés (2015)
      "En el presente trabajo estudiamos una red bajo dos procesos simultáneos de cambio: por una parte cada nodo es considerado un sistema dinámico y por otra parte, la estructura de la red evoluciona a lo largo del tiempo. ...
    • Modelos neuronales memresistivos 

      Torres Rivera, Moisés (2016-10)
      "El memresistor ha sido llamado el cuarto elemento básico de circuitos eléctricos y desde la implementación en estado sólido, ha surgido un remarcable interés por desarrollar aplicaciones que aprovechen la naturaleza del ...
    • Multiscroll attractors by switching systems 

      Campos Cantón, Eric; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Solís Perales, Gualberto Celestino; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2010)
      "In this paper, we present a class of three-dimensional dynamical systems having multiscrolls which we call unstable dissipative systems (UDSs). The UDSs are dissipative in one of its components but unstable in the other ...
    • On the controllability of networks with nonidentical linear nodes 

      Arreola Delgado, Alejandra del Carmen; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo (Oxford University Press, 2016)
      "The controllability of dynamical networks depends on both network structure and node dynamics. For networks of linearly coupled linear dynamical systems the controllability of the network can be determined using the ...