Now showing items 201-220 of 376

    • Grahp and automata in arterial vascular tree of the kidney 

      Espinoza Valdez, Aurora; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2010-05)
      "The renal vascular development is not known and occurs through two mechanisms that sometimes overlap: vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Here we only consider growth through angiogenesis, i.e., the arterial vascular tree ...
    • A Lie-based approach to the general framework of chaotic synchronization 

      Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2003)
      "Diverese phenomena have been reported on the synchornization of chaotic systems. Therefore, the generalized framework of the chaotic synchronization is an actual scienti¯c debate. Here, a Lie-based geometrical approach ...
    • Modification of Mikhailov stability criterion for fractional commensurate order systems 

      Mendiola Fuentes, Jessica Carmin; Melchor Aguilar, Daniel Alejandro; 000 (2018-03)
      "In this paper we present the modification of the Mikhailov stability criterion for linear fractional commensurate order systems. The modification consists in determining the appropriate measure for the total argument ...
    • A standard microcontroller based Discrete-Time PI for controlling the motion of a DC-Gearmotor 

      Hernández Rosales, Crescencio; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Ruíz Velázquez, Eduardo; Solís Perales, Gualberto Celestino (2005-05)
      "This paper shows how the INTEL© D8751 H microcontroller can be used to control the motion of a DC-Gearmotor. One advantage of this design is that does not require external memory RAM/EPROM to perform the control of the ...
    • Control de temperatura en un reactor catalítico para la alquilación de hidrocarburos a pesar de cinética incierta 

      Carrizales Martínez, Gudelia; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Gonzalez-Álvarez, Victor (2003)
      "Se lleva a cabo la estabilización de un reactor catalítico para la alquilación de hidrocarburos a pesar de cinética incierta mediante la robustificación de un controlador obtenido a partir de técnicas de control geométrico. ...
    • Supresión de caos en una subclase CK-equivalente bajo control óptimo 

      Campos Delgado, Daniel Ulises; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2003)
      "En este trabajo se presenta la supresión de caos por medio de una retroalimentación dinámica basada en control óptimo lineal para un subclase de sistemas dinámicos de tercer orden. Así, se compara un controlador clásico ...
    • Conditions for synchronization and chaos in networks of β-cells 

      Van De Weem, Joris M W; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Nijmeijer, Henk (2009)
      "The insulin producing and releasing pancreatic β-cells play a key role in glucose homeostasis. The proper function of these cells is characterized by a spiking-bursting activity in their membrane potential. It is known ...
    • Glucose regulation in type 1 diabetic patients by a multi-doses regimen 

      Campos Delgado, Daniel Ulises; Hernández Ordoñez, Martín; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2005)
      "In this paper several multi-doses control regimens are suggested for type 1 diabetic patients. The suggested regimes are proposed based on different insulin formulations. The insulin doses are assumed to be infused by a ...
    • Feedback induction of limit cycle in a bioreactor: controlling towards scale-down 

      Ibarra Junquera, Vrani; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2004)
      "The feedback stabilization of periodic orbits (induction of limit cycle) via PI-like control is proposed as plausible tool for scale-down studies. An isothermal continuous stirred tank bioreactor (CSTB), with nonideal ...
    • On friction effects as a mechanism to induce complex dynamical behavior in earthquakes 

      Castellanos RodrÍguez, Valentina; Campos Cantón, Eric; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2012)
      "In this paper we analyze a nonlinear dynamical system that describes the kinetic mechanism between tectonic plates on the crust´s earth undergoing stick slip movement. The analysis includes friction effects and an empirical ...
    • Make a PI controller on an 8-bit micro 

      Hernández Rosales, Crescencio; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Quiroz Compeán, Griselda (2006-01)
      "This article shows you how to implement a classical PI (proportional-integral) controller on a simple 8-bit microcontroller. To implement the PI controller, we developed specific libraries that make it possible for the ...
    • Unveiling uncertain forces in second-order driven oscillators via internal model: a discrete-time feedback 

      Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (Hindawi, 2000-02)
      "Unveil uncertain forces acting into (or onto) systems is a very interesting and old problem. Indeed, a lot effort has been devoted to develop procedures which results in the understanding of the uncertain forces and its ...
    • Comparing performance on chaos control via adaptive output-feedback 

      Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Hernández Rosales, Crescencio (2006)
      "Performance of four controllers is experimentally compared and evaluated in context of chaos suppression. Four output-feedback controllers are used in experi- ments for comparison. First three schemes utilize an adaptive ...
    • Mapas escalares de un convertidor elevador en modo corriente 

      Yáñez Campos, Sergio Constantino; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Leyva Ramos, Jesús (2003)
      "En esta contribución se analiza una clase de mapa escalar obtenido a partir de las formas de onda del convertidor elevador controlado en modo corriente pico sin rampa estabilizadora. Se establecen condiciones necesarias ...
    • Generation of multi-scroll attractors without equilibria via piecewise linear systems 

      Escalante González, Rodolfo de Jesús; Campos Cantón, Eric; Nicol, Matthew (2017-05)
      "In this paper, we present a new class of dynamical system without equilibria which possesses a multiscroll attractor. It is a piecewise-linear system which is simple, stable, displays chaotic behavior and serves as a model ...
    • A note on optimization of chaos suppression via robust asymptotic feedback: accounting control cost 

      Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2000)
      "This paper deals with the chaos suppression for oscillators in canonical form. The underlying idea is to optimize the robust chaos supression by accounting the control cost. The robust chaos supression is attained by the ...
    • ¿Es el movimiento Browniano un proceso estocástico o determinista? 

      Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo; Campos Cantón, Eric (2015-06)
      "Con el afán de comprender el comportamiento del universo se han desarrollado distintas técnicas y herramientas para la generación de conocimiento estructurado que han permitido entender diferen­ tes fenómenos en la ...
    • Applying graph theory to arterial vascular tree of the kidney 

      Espinoza Valdez, Aurora; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Ordaz Salazar, Francisco Cruz (2009)
      "The renal vascular development occurs through vasculogenesis and/or angiogenesis. Particularly, there are two types of vascular angiogenesis: sprouting and splitting. We show the graphs can generate binary tree structures ...
    • Supresión experimental de caos mediante control nominal H∞ 

      Flores Estrella, René Alejandro; Hernández Rosales, Crescencio; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2002)
      "La contribución del trabajo aborda la implementación del sistema de control sintetizado vía H∞ nominal en un circuito electrónico que representa el sistema caótico del tipo Malasoma."
    • Protocolo algebraico de establecimiento de una llave pública basado en trenzas 

      Hernández Granados, David Iván (2018-08)
      "Dado que la finalidad de la criptología es ocultar y trasmitir información, usualmente usando un canal público, es importante establecer un procedimiento que cumpla con dichos propósitos de manera segura y eficiente, sin ...