División de Control y Sistemas Dinámicos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-280 of 376
Dynamic nonlinear feedback control applied to improve butanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum
(2017-12)"The goal of this work is to present a closed-loop operational strategy in order to improve the butanol production in an anaerobic continuous bioreactor for the called Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) process. The proposed ... -
A grid-connected multilevel current source inverter and its protection for grid-disconnection
(Hindawi, 2013)"Traditionally DC-AC converters are considered with voltage source inverters (VSI); although less studied and discussed, it has started recently to be used current source inverters (CSI). Another possibility for DC/AC ... -
Output-feedback adaptive SP-SD-Type control with an extended continuous adaptation algorithm for the global regulation of robot manipulators with bounded inputs
(2013-01)"In this work, an output-feedback adaptive SP-SD-type control scheme for the global position stabilization of robot manipulators with bounded inputs is proposed. Compared with the output-feedback adaptive approaches ... -
Output-feedback proportional-integral-derivative-type control with multiple saturating structure for the global stabilization of robot manipulators with bounded inputs
(2016-09)"An output-feedback proportional integral derivative-type control scheme for the global regulation of robot manipulators with constrained inputs is proposed. It guarantees the global stabilization objective-avoiding input ... -
Control tolerante a fallas activo: estimación y acomodación de fallas en sensores aplicado al modelo LPV de una bicicleta sin conductor
(2016-06)"Se presenta el diseño de un control tolerante a fallas (CTF) activo aplicado al modelo de una bicicleta sin conductor con representación Lineal de Parámetros Variables en el tiempo (LPV) polinomial, afectado por fallas ... -
A mathematical model and dynamic analysis of anaerobic digestion of soluble organic fraction of municipal solid waste towards control design
(2016-04)"A dynamical model for anaerobic digestion (AD) is proposed for the soluble organic fraction of solid waste. The model is proposed with the purpose of showing the feedback control of the process. The control scheme concerns ... -
Reactive McCabe-Thiele: Short cut method including reactive vapor - liquid efficiency
(2016-04)"A graphic McCabe-Thiele method is developed for application to fully reactive column configuration. The extended method takes in to account several aspects as classic McCabe-Thiele method under transformed reaction-invariant ... -
Forced synchronization of autonomous dynamical Boolean networks
(2015)"We present the design of an autonomous time-delay Boolean network realized with readily available electronic components. Through simulations and experiments that account for the detailed nonlinear response of each circuit ... -
Discrete coupling and synchronization in the insulin release in the mathematical model of the B cells
(Hindawi, 2013)"The synchronization phenomenon that occurs in the Langerhans islets among pancreatic B cells is an interesting topic because these cells are responsible for the release of insulin in the blood stream. The aim of this work ... -
Generation of a reconfigurable logical cell using evolutionary computation
(Hindawi, 2013)"In nature, an interesting topic is about how a cell can be reconfigured in order to achieve a different task. Another interesting topic is about the learning process that seems to be a trial and error process. In this ... -
Complex discrete dynamics and its structures in bioinspired systems
(Hindawi, 2013) -
Monitoring lipase/esterase activity by stopped flow in a sequential injection analysis system using p-nitrophenyl butyrate
(MDPI, 2015)"Lipases and esterases are biocatalysts used at the laboratory and industrial level. To obtain the maximum yield in a bioprocess, it is important to measure key variables, such as enzymatic activity. The conventional method ... -
Attractors generated from switching unstable dissipative systems
(2012)"In this paper, we present a class of 3-D unstable dissipative systems, which are stable in two components but unstable in the other one. This class of systems is motivated by whirls, comprised of switching subsystems, ... -
Stability analysis of proportional-integral AQM controllers supporting TCP flows
(2007)"Este artículo se centra en la estabilidad asintótica de controladores AQM del tipo proporcional–integral suportando flujos TCP . Se proporcionan condiciones necesarias y suficientes para la estabilidad asintótica de la ... -
A dynamic parameter estimator to control chaos with distinct feedback schemes
(2009)"A dynamic strategy is proposed to estimate parameters of chaotic systems. The dynamic estimator of parameters can be used with diverse control functions; for example, those based on: (i) Lie algebra, (ii) backstepping, ... -
Virtual estimator for piecewise linear systems based on observability analysis
(MDPI, 2013)"This article proposes a virtual sensor for piecewise linear systems based on observability analysis that is in function of a commutation law related with the system's outpu. This virtual sensor is also known as a state ... -
Análisis de una familia de osciladores con múltiples enroscados
(2012)""En este trabajo se analizan series de tiempo con dinámica caótica provenientes de un sistema de comunicación. El análisis se realiza con la transformada ondoleta ortogonal, la cual nos proporciona información sobre la ... -
Oportunidades para modelar y controlar enfermedades que afecta al ganado bovino en México
(2008)"El ganado bovino en México padece de enfermedades infecciosas tales como la tuberculosis o brucelosis. Estas enfermedades disminuyen la población bovina y la producción de leche hasta en un 30% provocando pérdidas millonarias ... -
Una aproximación algebraica de observabilidad para un sistema de diabetes mínimo
(2008)"La observabilidad de estados mediante la disponibilidad de un conjunto de entradas y salidas es un tema que, en concepto, es relativamente simple y como es sabido, para sistemas lineales está satisfactoriamente estudiado. ... -
On the transitions between dynamical behaviors for small-world and scale-free networks
(2008)"The effect of network topology on the transition between dynamical behaviors is investigated for two networks: the small-world and scale-free models. In our analysis, we consider a network of identical dynamical systems ...