Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Extension of a factorization method of nonlinear second order ODE´s with variable coefficients 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Cornejo Pérez, Octavio; Pérez Maldonado, Maximino (2017)
      "The factorization of nonlinear second-order differential equations proposed by Rosu and Cornejo-Pérez in 2005 is extended to equations containing quadratic and cubic forms in the first derivative. A few illustrative ...
    • Planar motion with Fresnel integrals as components of the velocity 

      Flores Garduño, Elizabeth; Mancas, Stefan C; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Pérez Maldonado, Maximino (Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A.C., 2020)
      "We analyze the two-dimensional motion of a rigid body due to a constant torque generated by a force acting on the body parallel to the surface on which the body moves extending an old note of Ferris-Prabhu [Am. J. Phys. ...
    • Solitones no autónomos en fibras ópticas 

      Pérez Maldonado, Maximino; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A.C., 2015)
      "Soluciones solitónicas de las ecuaciones de Schrôdinger no lineales de coeficientes variables que describen muchas situaciones reales de propagación solitónica se pueden obtener usando el mapeo de ‘integrabilidad diseñada’ ...
    • Traveling wave solutions for wave equations with two exponential nonlinearities 

      Mancas, Stefan C; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Pérez Maldonado, Maximino (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2018)
      "We use a simple method that leads to the integrals involved in obtaining the travelling-wave solutions of wave equations with one and two exponential nonlinearities. When the constant term in the integrand is zero, implicit ...