Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Connectivity among jaguar populations in the Sierra Madre Oriental, México 

      Dueñas López, Gmelina; Rosas Rosas, Octavio César; Chapa Vargas, Leonardo; Tarango Arámbula, Luis Antonio; Martínez Montoya, Juan Felipe; Alcántara Carbajal, José Luis (2015)
      "Introduction: The jaguar (Panthera onca) is an apex carnivore that is vulnerable to habitat fragmentation, and some of its populations are believed to be isolated in México where it is classed as endangered. The main the ...
    • Potential distributional patterns of three wild ungulate species in a fragmented tropical region of northeastern Mexico 

      García Marmolejo, Gabriela; Chapa Vargas, Leonardo; Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth; Manuel Weber; Rosas Rosas, Octavio César; Martínez Calderas, Jesús Manuel (2013)
      "In the northernmost American tropical forests of eastern Mexico, we analyzed the potential distribution of three ungulate species, Odocoileus virginianus, Mazama temama and Pecari tajacu, in response to several physical, ...