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A note on optimization of chaos suppression via robust asymptotic feedback: accounting control cost

dc.contributor.authorFemat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo
dc.description.abstract"This paper deals with the chaos suppression for oscillators in canonical form. The underlying idea is to optimize the robust chaos supression by accounting the control cost. The robust chaos supression is attained by the robust asymptotic feedback while the optimization is solved via Riccatti ecuations. A finite horizon is arbitrarily settled and the suppression is achieved at this time by means of optimal control problem. This scheme allows to take into account the energy that is wasted by the controller and the closed-loop performance of states. Some experimental results show the features of the approach when a High-Gain observer is added in order to have available the complete state vector."
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.titleA note on optimization of chaos suppression via robust asymptotic feedback: accounting control cost
dc.rights.accessAcceso Abierto

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