Output-feedback adaptive control for the global regulation of robot manipulators with bounded inputs
López Araujo, Daniela Juanita
Zavala Río, Arturo
Santibáñez, Víctor
Reyes Cortés, José Fernando
"In this paper, an output-feedback adaptive scheme for the global position stabilization of robot manipulators with bounded inputs is proposed. Compared to the previous output-feedback adaptive approaches developed in a bounded-input context, the proposed free-of-velocity feedback controller guarantees the adaptive regulation objective: globally, avoiding discontinuities throughout the scheme, preventing the inputs to reach their natural saturation bounds, and imposing no saturation-avoidance restriction on the control gains. Moreover, the developed scheme is not restricted to the use of a specific saturation function to achieve the required boundedness, but may involve any one within a set of smooth and non-smooth (Lipschitz-continuous) bounded passive functions that include the hyperbolic tangent and the conventional saturation as particular cases. Experimental results corroborate the efficiency of the proposed scheme."
Publication date
2013Publication type
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12555-012-9203-4Knowledge area
Adaptive controlBounded inputs
Global regulation
Output feedback
Robot manipulators