Magneto-caloric effect in the pseudo-binary intermetallic YPrFe17 compound
Álvarez Alonso, Pablo
Gorria, Pedro
Sánchez Llamazares, José Luis
Perez, Maria J.
Franco, Victorino
Reiffers, Marian
Kovac, Jozef
Puente Orench, Inés
Blanco Rodríguez, Jesús Angel
"We have synthesized the intermetallic YPrFe17 compound by arc-melting. X-ray and neutron powder diffraction show that the crystal structure is rhombohedral with space group (Th2Zn17-type). The investigated compound exhibits a broad isothermal magnetic entropy change ?SM(T) associated with the ferro-to-paramagnetic phase transition (TC ? 290 K). The |?SM| (?2.3 J kg?1 K?1) and the relative cooling power (?100 J kg?1) have been calculated for applied magnetic field changes up to 1.5 T. A single master curve for ?SM under different values of the magnetic field change can be obtained by a rescaling of the temperature axis. The results are compared and discussed in terms of the magneto-caloric effect in the isostructural R2Fe17 (R = Y, Pr and Nd) binary intermetallic alloys."
Publication date
2011Publication type
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2011.09.062Knowledge area
Intermetallic compoundsMagnetic materials
Crystal structure
Thermomagnetic effects