Effect of the anchoring strength on the phase behaviour of discotic liquid crystals under face-on confinement
Salgado Blanco, Daniel Ignacio
Díaz Herrera, Enrique
Mendoza Ruiz, Carlos Ignacio
"In this study we have performed molecular dynamics simulations to study a Gay-Berne discotic fluid confined in a slab geometry for a fixed confinement length. Four different anchoring strengths with a homeotropic (face-on) configuration were studied. We found that changing the anchoring strength changes the normal component of the stress tensor, which in turn changes the density of the system's bulk. This phenomenon leads to a shift in the isotropic-nematic transition temperature. We observe that the temperature regions where the nematic phase is present diminishes as the anchoring strength increases. The anchoring strength also affects the nematic-columnar coexistence temperature-region: it spans over more temperatures at higher anchoring strengths."
Publication date
2019Publication type
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/aaf843Knowledge area
IOP PublishingKeywords
Liquid crystalsConfinement
Anchoring strength
Molecular dynamics
Discotic liquid crystals