Bidimensional Deterministic Model for Diffusion and Settling of Particles
Velázquez Pérez, Stephanie Esmeralda
Campos Cantón, Eric
Huerta Cuellar, Guillermo
Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo
In this paper, we present a study of the diffusion properties of a deterministic model for settling particles in two displacement dimensions. The particularities of the novel deterministic model include the generation of Brownian motion and a two-dimensional displacement model without stochastic processes, which are governed by a set of six differential equations. This model is a piecewise system consisting of subsystems governed by jerk equations. With this model, we can consider different conditions of diffusion in both the dimensions and size of the space where the particles are dispersed. The settling time versus the dispersion medium and its size, as well as the average settling time and its probability distributions, are analyzed. Furthermore, the probability distributions for the settling location are presented for the changes in the diffusion parameters and space size. Finally, the basins of attraction for the settling positions are shown as a function of each dimensional diffusion parameter and for the medium size.
Publication date
2023Publication type
https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms12020191Knowledge area
Seterministic Brownian motionDiffusion of particles
Particle settling
Jerk function