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Activation of neuronal ensembles via controlled synchronization

dc.contributor.authorSolís Perales, Gualberto Celestino
dc.contributor.authorBarajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo
dc.contributor.editorICROS, KIEE
dc.identifier.citationSolís-Perales, G. & Barajas-Ramírez, J.G. Int. J. Control Autom. Syst. (2017) 15: 122.
dc.description.abstract"In this contribution we present the activation of neuronal ensembles of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons by controlled synchronization. The main problem consists in to impose a particular spiking-bursting behavior in all the neurons of the network. We consider a network where the neurons are in its resting state, it is desired that the neurons change their resting state to a particular behavior of activation, dictated by a neuron called the reference neuron. The goal is reached by controlling some neurons in the network controlling only the membrane potential (electrical synapse). The key feature of the present contribution is that by controlling a small number of neurons in the network a desired behavior is induced in all the neurons in the network despite its network topology. The important parameters are the control gain and the coupling strength, thus the activation of the network lays down on a compromise between the control gain and the coupling strength."
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectComplex networks
dc.subjectControl of complex networks
dc.subjectNeuron activation
dc.titleActivation of neuronal ensembles via controlled synchronization
dc.rights.accessAcceso Abierto

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