Listar División de Nanociencias y Materiales por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 589
A first principles systematic study of the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Heusler X2MnZ with X = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au and Z = Al, Si, Ga, Ge, In and Sn
(IOP Publishing, 2019)"An exhaustive study of the structural stability, electronic, and magnetic properties of the ternary X2MnZ Heusler alloys, in cubic and tetragonal lattice cells, is presented. We performed density-functional-theory (DFT) ... -
A functional assembly of SiO2 nanospheres/graphene oxide composites
(Elsevier, 2015)"A novel assembly of SiO2 nanospheres functionalized on graphene oxide (GO) sheets was prepared by a one-step microwave-hydrothermal method. The nanocomposites were well characterized and investigated to study their Rhodamine ... -
A functional SiO2-TiO2 mesoporous assembly designed for the controlled release of carvacrol
(Elsevier, 2023)Mesoporous composites can be useful for the gentle release of biocides and fertilizers. Here, we study the structural, morphological, and drug-delivery advantages of SiO2-TiO2 (PST) particles synthesized by a hydrothermal ... -
A minimal optical trapping and imaging microscopy system
(2013-02)"We report the construction and testing of a simple and versatile optical trapping apparatus, suitable for visualizing individual microtubules (similar to 25 nm in diameter) and performing single-molecule studies, using a ... -
A multidisciplinary study of carbon nanotube structures: from inorganic to biological systems
(2006-07)"The aerosol pyrolysis technique was used to produce carbon based nanostructures. Monocrystalline FeCo nanowires encapsulated inside multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), centimeter-long strands of wide single walled ... -
A New Catalytic System for the Photodegradation of Endocrinal Disruptors: Synthesis and Efficiency Modeling and Optimization
(2015)"Nowadays, the challenge of understanding relationships between catalysts properties and performance in the context of heterogeneous catalysis is a hot topic. Indeed, catalytic processes are generally affected by many ... -
A note on Verhulst's logistic equation and related logistic maps
(2010)"We consider the Verhulst logistic equation and a couple of forms of the corresponding logistic maps. For the case of the logistic equation we show that using the general Riccati solution only changes the initial conditions ... -
A rapid method for interfacial tension calculation between rock plug and crude oil based on contact angles, application for EOR
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)"Interfacial tension and contact angle are two specific important parameters to take decisions for enhanced oil recovery, for instance, proper chemicals to use for surface tension reduction, expected wettability of solids, ... -
A robust estimation of the exponent function in the Gompertz law
(Elsevier, 2006)"The estimation of the solution of a system of two differential equations introduced by Norton et al. (1976) that is equivalent to the famous Gompertz growth law is performed by means of the recent adaptive scheme of ... -
A simple circuit with dynamic logic architecture of basic logic gates
(2010)"We report experimental results obtained with a circuit possessing dynamic logic architecture based on one of the theoretical schemes proposed by H. Peng and collaborators in 2008. The schematic diagram of the electronic ... -
A simple electronic circuit realization of the tent map
(2009)"We present a very simple electronic implementation of the tent map, one of the best-known discrete dynamical systems. This is achieved by using integrated circuits and passive elements only. The experimental behavior of ... -
A simple method for fabrication of antifuse WORM memories
(Elsevier, 2018)"A write-only-read-many (WORM) memory device was obtained by irradiating, with a commercial ultraviolet-ozone (UVO) lamp, the aluminium bottom electrode in an Al/AlOx-UVO/Al configuration. The formation of conductive paths ... -
A survey of finite algebraic geometrical structures underlying mutually unbiased quantum measurements
(2006)"The basic methods of constructing the sets of mutually unbiased bases in the Hilbert space of an arbitrary finite dimension are reviewed and an emerging link between them is outlined. It is shown that these methods employ ... -
Ablation and optical third-order nonlinearities in Ag nanoparticles
(Dove Press Ltd, 2010)"The optical damage associated with high intensity laser excitation of silver nanoparticles (NPs) was studied. In order to investigate the mechanisms of optical nonlinearity of a nanocomposite and their relation with its ... -
Acoustic emission avalanches during compression of granular manganites
(American Institute of Physics, 2018)"We have studied acoustic emission (AE) during compression of La0.8Ca0.28Sr0.08MnO2.7 manganites with different microstructures obtained by selected synthesis techniques. In ceramic samples with large grains obtained by a ... -
Additive and multiplicative noises acting simultaneously on Ermakov-Ray-Reid systems
(2016)"We investigate numerically the effect of additive and multiplicative noises on parametric oscillator systems of Ermakov-Ray-Reid type when both noises act simultaneously. We find that the main perturbation effects on the ... -
Adiabatic magnetocaloric effect in Ni50Mn35In15 ribbons
(2016-11)"Heusler-type Ni-Mn-based metamagnetic shape memory alloys (MetaMSMAs) are promising candidates for magnetic refrigeration. To increase heat exchange rate and efficiency of cooling, the material should have a high ... -
Adsorción de compuestos organosulfurados sobre nanosuperficies funcionalizadas de carbono
(2011)"Uno de los principales remanentes de azufre de los combustibles líquidos es el dibenzotiofeno (DBT) y sus derivados alquilados. Para eliminar estos compuestos comúnmente son empleados los procesos de hidrodesulfuración ... -
Adsorption of molecular gases on different porous surfaces using the statistical associating fluid theory variable range approximation
(2012)"In the thermodynamic framework of coupled statistical associating fluid theory variable range (SAFTVR) 2D and 3D models we present the theoretical predictions of the adsorption isotherms in real physical units, as it is ... -
Adsorption of molecular gases on porous materials in the SAFT-VR approximation
(2010)"A simple molecular thermodynamic approach is applied to the study of the adsorption of gases of chain molecules on solid surfaces. We use a model based on the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory for Variable Range (SAFT-VR) ...