Browsing División de Nanociencias y Materiales by Title
Now showing items 327-346 of 588
N-step linear phase-shifting algorithms with optimum signal to noise phase demodulation
(2011)"A common way to test an optical wavefront is to use a phase-shifting interferometer along with (for example) a three-step linear phase-shifting algorithm (PSA). The following fundamental question arises: what phase step ... -
Nanocatalizadores Au/TiO2-X (X = Ni, Fe, Cu) y su aplicación en la producción/purificación sustentable de H2 y en la oxidación de CO a baja temperatura
(2015-08)"Nowadays, the modern societies are based on the use of cars which are an essential part of daily life. However, these vehicles generate high amounts of emissions such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, volatile organic ... -
Nanoestructuras de carbono dopadas con fósforo
(2020)"El dopaje de nanoestructuras de carbono empleando átomos tales como B, N, O, P, entre otros, ha demostrado la capacidad de modificar sus propiedades físicas químicas, tales como la dureza, conductividad eléctrica, reducción ... -
Nanoestructuras de NPsAg/TNT y Ag3PO4/TNT como alternativa para la degradación de contaminantes y como agentes microbicidas
(2018-06)"Los nanotubos de titanatos de hidrógeno son nanoestructuras alternativas (TNT) para tratar la contaminación ambiental, tales como la desinfección de microorganismos patógenos y la limpieza de aguas residuales y aire ... -
Nanoestructuras y su caracterización por medio de microscopía electrónica de transmisión; ciencia y arte
(UNAM, 2020)"The description of nanometric systems is still being a challenging topic, for this reason the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) scope is exemplified in a didactic way using several nanosystems (Au nanoparticles and ... -
Nanopartículas de sílice: síntesis, caracterización y aproximación in-silico en cáncer de piel
(2022-12)El cáncer es una de las enfermedades con mayor índice de mortalidad a nivel mundial, uno de los problemas principales en el sector salud es la falta de especificidad y baja eficiencia de los medios portadores de fármacos ... -
Nanotubos de carbono dopados con nitrógeno y boro
(2019-06)“Nanotubos de carbono dopados con nitrógeno y boro” En este trabajo se presenta la síntesis y estudio de nanotubos de carbono de múltiples capas fueron dopados simultáneamente con nitrógeno y boro. (N-MWCNTs, N-B-MWCNTs, ... -
Near UV-blue excitable green-emitting nanocrystalline oxide
(Hindawi, 2011)"Green-emitting Eu-activated powders were produced by a two-stage method consisting of pressure-assisted combustion synthesis and postannealing in ammonia. The as-synthesized powders exhibited a red photoluminescence (PL) ... -
New advances in magnetic nanostructures
(2007)"Some of the new developments on magnetic nanostructures are reviewed. The advances on the synthesis, characterization, and understanding of magnetic nanoclusters, magnetic nanowires and single molecule magnets are discussed. ... -
New direction in nanotube science
(Elsevier, 2004)"We review the latest advances in the production and state-of-the art characterization of B- and N-doped carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nanofibers. We briefly discuss different approaches to producing these novel doped ... -
Newton´s laws of motion in the form of a Riccati equation
(2002)"We discuss two applications of a Riccati equation to Newton´s laws of motion. The first one is the motion of a particle under the influence of a power law central potential V(r)=krε. For zero total energy we show that the ... -
Niederhauser's model for epilepsy and wavelet methods
(2006-06)"Wavelets and wavelet transforms (WT) could be a very useful tool to analyze electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. To illustrate the WT method we make use of a simple electric circuit model introduced by Niederhauser [1], ... -
Nitrogen doped carbon nanomaterials for biosensing applications
(2013-10)"The doping of carbon nanostructures with elements such as nitrogen and boron adds useful characteristics to the already remarkable features exhibited by nanocarbons. These new properties can be used for tackling several ... -
Nitrogen–phosphorus doped graphitic nano onion-like structures: experimental and theoretical studies
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021)"Onion-like graphitic structures are of great importance in different fields. Pentagons, heptagons, and octagons are essential features of onion-like graphitic structures that could generate important properties for diverse ... -
Non-autonomous Ginzburg-Landau solitons using the He-Li mapping method
(Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2020)"We find and discuss the non-autonomous soliton solutions in the case of variable nonlinearity and dispersion implied by the Ginzburg-Landau equation with variable coefficients. In this work we obtain non-autonomous ... -
Nongauge bright soliton of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation and a family of generalized NLS equations
(2016)"We present an approach to the bright soliton solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation from the standpoint of introducing a constant potential term in the equation. We discuss a "nongauge" bright soliton for ... -
Nonlinear optical absorption and reflection of single wall carbon nanotube thin films by ZZ-scan technique
(2008-02)"Both the nonlinear optical transmission and reflection characteristics of HiPco-based single wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) thin films are studied by using the ZZ-scan method with femtosecond laser pulses at a wavelength of ... -
Nonlinear second order Ode's: factorizations and particular solutions
(2005)"We present particular solutions for the following important nonlinear second order differential equations: modified Emden, generalized Lienard, convective Fisher, and generalized Burgers-Huxley. For the latter two equations ... -
Nonlinear software sensor for monitoring genetic regulation processes with noise and modeling errors
(2005)"Nonlinear control techniques by means of a software sensor that are commonly used in chemical engineering could be also applied to genetic regulation processes. We provide here a realistic formulation of this procedure ... -
Nonsingular parametric oscillators Darboux-related to the classical harmonic oscillator
(2012)"Interesting nonsingular parametric oscillators which are Darboux related to the classical harmonic oscillator and have periodic dissipative/gain features are identi?ed through a modi?ed factorization method. The same ...