Browsing División de Nanociencias y Materiales by Title
Now showing items 45-64 of 588
Barotropic FRW cosmologies with a Dirac-like parameter
(2004)"Using the known connection between Schroedinger-like equations and Dirac-like equations in the supersymmetric context, we discuss an extension of FRW barotropic cosmologies in which a Dirac mass-like parameter is introduced. ... -
Barotropic FRW cosmologies with Chiellini damping
(2015)"It is known that barotropic FRW equations written in the conformal time variable can be reduced to simple linear equations for an exponential function involving the conformal Hubble rate. Here, we show that an interesting ... -
Barotropic FRW cosmologies with Chiellini damping in comoving time
(2015)"For nonzero cosmological constant ?, we show that the barotropic FRW cosmologies as worked out in the comoving time lead in the radiation-dominated case to scale factors of identical form as for the Chiellini dissipative ... -
BiFeO3 codoping with Ba, La and Ti: Magnetic and structural studies
(World Scientific , 2015)"Conventional solid state reaction method, from oxides and carbonates, was employed to prepare bismuth (Bi)-based multiferroic systems. The undoped BiFeO3 (BFO) and the codoped system with Ba, La and Ti (Bi1?xBaxFe1?yTiyO3, ... -
Bioadsorción de plomo (II) presente en solución acuosa sobre residuos de fibras naturales procedentes de la industria ixtlera (Agave lechuguilla Torr. y Yucca carnerosana (TREL.) MCKELVEY)
(2017)"El plomo ha sido reconocido como uno de los metales más tóxicos por su efecto negativo sobre el ambiente. En el presente trabajo se evaluó el uso potencial de residuos de Agave lechuguilla Torr. (lechuguilla) y Yucca ... -
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by Fusarium scirpi and its potential as antimicrobial agent against uropathogenic Escherichia coli biofilms
(Public Library of Science, 2020)"The ability of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) to form biofilms, can be considered an important factor that contributes to the prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) due to the inaccessibility of the antibiotics ... -
Broad first-order magnetic entropy change curve in directionally solidified polycrystalline Ni-Co-Mn-In
(Elsevier B.V., 2017-12)"We present the thermal dependence of the magnetic entropy change ΔSM(T) across the martensitic transformation for a polycrystalline sample, which was cut from a directionally solidified rod, with a nominal composition ... -
Calculation of conic constants for thick lenses to get diffraction-limited images using 3rd order design and marginal skew ray tracing
(Elsevier, 2022)"We calculate equations to obtain the exact and third-order design of thick lenses free from spherical and coma aberrations at two points, at the edge and center of the lens, considering the shape factor and the conic ... -
Caloric effects induced by magnetic and mechanical fields in a Ni50Mn25-xGa25Cox magnetic shape memory alloy
(2011-05)"We have studied the elastocaloric effect in a Co-doped Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic Heusler shape memory alloy in the vicinity of its martensitic transition. Measurements of the length change as a function of temperature have been ... -
Caracteres morfométricos y anatómicos de frutos y semillas de una población de Prosopis laevigata (Fabaceae) en Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, México
(Instituto de Ecología, A.C, 2022)"Antecedentes y Objetivos: Prosopis laevigata, especie de amplia distribución en México, es considerada un recurso con importancia ecológica y socioeconómica. A pesar de que sus semillas y frutos tienen valor nutrimental, ... -
Caracterización estructural, química y morfológica de nanopirámides truncadas de Au por microscopía electrónica de transmisión
(2015-10)"Structural elucidation of materials, using X-Rays is restricted to crystals around 50 μm. For a detailed analysis of "nanocrystals", a technique who allows atomic resolution and reliable intensity data (cinematic diffraction) ... -
Caracterización óptica y eléctrica de películas de PEDOT/PSS tratados con dopantes secundarios.
(2011)"Desde el descubrimiento de los polımeros organicos conductores, en 1977, el desarrollo de dispositivos electronicos basados en este tipo de polımeros han sido de gran interes.El origen de este interes se basa en las ... -
Caracterización térmica y microestructural de las aleaciones Ni-2x MnSnFe y Ni2-xMnSnCox
(2013)"Se estudio el efecto de la adición de Fe y Co en la aleación Ni50Mn40Sn10 tipo bulk; la sustitución se llevó a cabo removiendo níquel y añadiendo Fe o Co en porcentajes atómicos de 2, 4, 6 y 8%, ademas de estudiar el ... -
Caracterización y estudio de dispositivos de memoria orgánicos
(2015-01)"Los dispositivos electrónicos orgánicos en particular las memorias orgánicas, ofrecen posibilidades de producción mucho más económicas que las que se encuentran actualmente en el mercado. Hay muchas incógnitas y ambiguedades ... -
Carbon sponge-type nanostructures based on coaxial nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes grown by CVD using benzylamine as precursor
(2017)"Carbon sponges-type nanostructures (CSTN) based on coaxial nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CA-MWCNTs) were synthesized using the aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition method involving the decomposition ... -
Catalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) over Pd-Ru/FAU zeolite catalysts
(Elsevier, 2021)"We present this study on FAU-type zeolites were prepared varying the Si/Al ratio (4, 5 and 6) and crystallization time (4, 6 and 8?h) to produce a highly pure and homogeneous material with enhanced surface area values. ... -
CdSe quantum dot-decorated double walled carbon nanotubes: the effect of chemical moieties
(2008-08)"We report that fluorine atoms on the outer tubes of double walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) are more effective for nucleating and growing CdSe nanoparticles than oxygen-containing functional groups. The CdSe particles with ... -
Cellular automata modeling of continuous stirred tank reactors
(2008)"The classical dynamical systems model of continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR) in which a first order chemical reaction takes place is reformulated in terms of stochastic cellular automata by extending previous works of ... -
Cement pastes and mortars containing nitrogen-doped and oxygen-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes
(Hindawi, 2016)"Cement pastes and mortars based on ordinary Portland cement containing nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-Nx) or oxygen-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-Ox) are investigated. To incorporate ... -
Cerium-doped β-Ni(OH)2 hexagon nanosheets: an effective photocatalyst for the degradation of the emerging water pollutant, naproxen
(2018)"Nickel hydroxide β–Ni(OH)2 hexagonal nanosheets were synthetized via a hydrothermal exfoliation process. The practical microwave-assisted hydrothermal method facilitated obtaining layered nickel 3D nanoplates with cerium ...