Browsing División de Nanociencias y Materiales by Title
Now showing items 531-550 of 588
Tailoring thermomechanical treatment of Ni-Fe-Ga melt-spun ribbons for elastocaloric applications
(Elsevier, 2019)"In the present work, the structural, mechanical and shape memory properties of Ni55Fe16Ga29 (at.%) melt-spun ribbons have been studied with a prospective of application in the elastocaloric devises. Particularly, a special ... -
Talbot effect for dispersion in linear optical fibers and a wavelet approach
(2006)"We shortly recall the mathematical and physical aspects of Talbot’s self-imaging effect occurring in near-field diffraction. In the rational paraxial approximation, the Talbot images are formed at distances z = p/q, where p ... -
Temperature dependence of sensors based on silver-decorated nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes
(2016)"Vapor sensors are easily fabricated onto alumina substrates using foils of silver-decorated nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNX-MWNTs-Ag) as active sensing material. The vapor sensors are tested using carbon ... -
Termination of hollow core nanopipes in GaN by an AlN interlayer
(Elsevier, 2016)"Nanopipes associated to screw dislocations are studied by transmission electron microscopy in Si-doped GaN films grown on silicon substrates. The observations revealed that dislocations had an empty core and that an AlN ... -
Texture-induced enhancement of the magnetocaloric response in melt-spun DyNi2 ribbons
(2013-10)"The magnetocaloric properties of melt-spun ribbons of the Laves phase DyNi2 have been investigated. The as-quenched ribbons crystallize in a single-phase MgCu2-type crystal structure (C15; space group Fd (3) over barm) ... -
The density matrix renormalization group applied to an electron-phonon hamiltonian.
(2006)"En esta tesis hemos aplicado el método de renormalización de grupo de la matriz densidad a un Hamiltoniano que introduce grados de libertad fonónicos, con el fin de entender al acoplamiento electrón-fonón que ocurre en ... -
The Development of Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease and Associated Cardiovascular Damage, and the Protective Effects of Curcuminoids
(MDPI, 2023)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a health problem that is constantly growing. This disease presents a diverse symptomatology that implies complex therapeutic management. One of its characteristic symptoms is dyslipidemia, ... -
The Effect of a Yb Co-Dopant on the Blue Upconversion and Thermoluminescent Emission of SrLaAlO4:Yb3+,Tm3+ Phosphors
(MDPI, 2023)In this study, we described the structural, morphological, optical, photoluminescence, and thermoluminescence properties of SrLaAlO4:Tm3+,Yb3+ (SLAO:Tm,Yb) blue-emitting phosphors made by combustion synthesis and a ... -
The effect of cooling rate on magnetothermal properties of Fe49Rh51
(Elsevier, 2020)"We have investigated the effects of quenching rate on the thermal dependence of the magnetic entropy change ?SM(T) and the magnetic field induced hysteresis loss through the antiferromagnetic (AFM)???ferromagnetic (FM) ... -
The geometrical characteristics of fcc, hcp, and polycrystalline nanowires: simulations of transmission electron microscopy images and diffraction patterns
(2009-08)"To theoretically study the physicochemical properties of nanowires, it is necessary to build the corresponding atomic geometrical models. Here we present the geometrical characteristics of nanowires with fcc, hcp, and ... -
The Hurst exponents of Nitzschia sp. diatom trajectories observed by light microscopy
(Elsevier, 2015)"We present the results of an experiment with light microscopy performed to capture the trajectories of live Nitzschia sp. diatoms. The time series corresponding to the motility of this kind of cells along ninety-five ... -
The hyperbolic, the arithmetic and the quantum phase
(2004)"We develop a new approach of the quantum phase in an Hilbert space of finite dimension which is based on the relation between the physical concept of phase locking and mathematical concepts such as cyclotomy and the ... -
The influence of texture on the reversible elastocaloric effect of a polycrystalline Ni50Mn32In16Cr2 alloy
(American Institute of Physics, 2018)"We have studied the correlation between the elastocaloric effect and the crystallographic direction where a uniaxial stress is applied in a textured polycrystalline Ni-Mn-In-Cr ferromagnetic shape memory alloy; this alloy ... -
The role of silver nanoparticles functionalized on TiO2 for photocatalytic disinfection of harmful algae
(2015)"Silver loaded TiO2 samples were prepared by photodeposition of different amounts of Ag+ ions over commercial titanium dioxide (Evonik TiO2 P25) in aqueous media without the presence of sacrificial agents. The obtained ... -
The three-step master equation: class of parametric stationary solutions
(2005)"We examine the three-step master equation from the standpoint of the general solution of the associated discrete Riccati equation. We report by this means stationary master solutions depending on a free constant parameter, ... -
The young and the city: crowdsourcing urban awareness in a developing country
(ICST, 2014)"We present a crowdsourcing study that investigates impressions of urban spaces by young inhabitants in a city in the developing world. Our goal is to obtain collective perceptions from the actual inhabitants of the city ... -
Theoretical characterization of several models of nanoporous carbon
(IOP Publishing, 2003)"Elastic, electronic and vibrational properties of seven models of nanoporous carbon are reported. The studied structures are periodic graphitic arrangements with heptagonal and octagonal rings of carbon, known as Schwarzites. ... -
Toxicidad de nanopartículas magnéticas en un modelo in-vitro de barrera hematoencefálica
(2018-07)"Las nanopartículas magnéticas (NPMs) de origen antropogénico, como los son las nanopartículas de hierro principalmente en fase de magnetita (Fe3O4), son liberadas al medio ambiente como resultado, principalmente, de la ... -
Transform of Riccati equation of constant coefficients through fractional procedure
(2003)"We use a particular fractional generalization of the ordinary differential equations that we apply to the Riccati equation of constant coefficients. By this means the latter is transformed into a modified Riccati equation ... -
Transformación magneto-estructural y efecto magnetocalórico en aleaciones Mn1−xCrxCoGe (x = 0.04, 0.11) y MnNiGe1.05 obtenidas por solidificación rápida
(2015-06)"En la presente tesis se estudia el efecto magnetocalórico (EMC) en cintas de aleaciones Mn1-xCrxCoGe para x=0.04, 0.11 y MnNiGe1.05 obtenidas por enfriamiento ultrarrápido empleando la técnica de temple rotatorio. Las ...