Now showing items 350-369 of 588

    • Observation of magnetic edge state in graphene nanoribbons 

      Joly, V. L.Joseph; Kiguchi, Manabu; Hao, Sijia; Takai, Kazuyuki; Enoki, Toshiaki; Sumii, Ryouhei; Amemiya, Kenta; Muramatsu, Hiroyukim; Hayashi, Takuya; Kim, Yoong Ahm; Endo, Morinobu; Campos Delgado, Jessica Rosaura; López Urías, Florentino; Botello Méndez, Andrés Rafael; Terrones Maldonado, Humberto; Terrones Maldonado, Mauricio; Dresselhaus, Mildred (2010-06)
      "The electronic structure and spin magnetism for few-layer-graphene nanoribbons synthesized by chemical vapor deposition have been investigated using near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and electron-spin ...
    • Obtención de membranas mediante electrospinning para tratamiento de agua con alto contenido de sólidos 

      Girón Nava, Tania Montserrat (2019-12-12)
      "Hoy en día, la creciente tasa de población en el mundo ha traído como unas de las principales consecuencias la sobreexplotación de agua para consumo humano. En México, se tienen 471.5 mil millones de metros cúbicos de ...
    • Obtención de membranas poliméricas para celdas de poder 

      Sánchez Luna, Mauricio (2017-08)
      "Las crecientes preocupaciones sobre el agotamiento de recursos energéticos derivados de los combustibles fósiles, y el problema de cambio climático asociados a éstos, han impulsado la búsqueda de diferentes alternativas ...
    • Obtención y caracterización de membranas poliméricas para desalinización de agua. 

      Maldonado López, Luis Eduardo (2017-07)
      "Cada día es más imperioso buscar nuevas fuentes de agua potable, y una de las alternativas más prometedoras es la desalinización del agua de mar por medio de membranas de ósmosis inversa. La presente investigación pretende ...
    • Obtención y caracterización de nanopartículas de plata soportadas en fibra de algodón 

      López Iturbe, J; Vilchis Nestor, Alfredo Rafael; Sanchez Mendieta, Víctor; Ávalos Borja, Miguel (2013)
      "En este trabajo se prepararon biocompositos de nanopartículas de plata utilizando fibra de algodón como soporte y Camellia sinensis como agente reductor. Para la preparación de los biocompositos primero se llevó a cabo ...
    • On arithmetic detection of grey pulses with application to Hawking radiation 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Planat, Michel (2002)
      "Micron-sized black holes do not necessarily have a constant horizon temperature distribution. The black hole remote-sensing problem means to find out the "surface" temperature distribution of a small black hole from the ...
    • On the anisotropy in the HRTEM images of a decagonal quasicrystalline phase of the Al-Cu-Co-Si system 

      García García, Ramiro; Martínez Mondragón, María Magdalena; Reyes-Gasga, José (2007)
      "Experimental evidence of an electrical and/or magnetic anisotropy was observed in the high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images of a decagonal quasicrystalline (DQC) phase of the Al-Cu-Co-Si system. ...
    • On the broadening of the magnetic entropy change due to Curie temperature distribution 

      Álvarez Alonso, Pablo; Sánchez Llamazares, José Luis; Sánchez Valdés, Cesar Fidel; Cuello, Gabriel J.; Franco, Victorino; Gorria, Pedro; Blanco Rodríguez, Jesús Angel (2014-05)
      "We have studied the correlation between the broadening of the isothermal magnetic entropy change and the Curie temperature (T-C) distribution in nanostructured Pr2Fe17 and Nd2Fe17 alloys produced by high-energy ball-milling ...
    • On the correct estimation of the magnetic entropy change across the magneto-structural transition from the Maxwell relation: study of MnCoGeBx alloy ribbons 

      Quintana Nedelcos, Aris; Sánchez Llamazares, José Luis; Sánchez Valdés, Cesar Fidel; Álvarez Alonso, Pablo; Gorria, Pedro; Shamba, Precious; Morley, Nicola (Elsevier, 2017)
      "An accurate calculation of the different magnetocaloric-related magnitudes derived from the temperature dependence of the magnetic entropy change in materials exhibiting first-order magnetocaloric effect is imperative to ...
    • On the kinetic arrest of martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-In melt-spun ribbons 

      Lino Zapata, Francisco Manuel; Ríos Jara, David; Sánchez Llamazares, José Luis (2017)
      "Kinetic arrest (KA) of martensitic transformation (MT) has been observed in as-solidified Ni52.2Mn34.3In13.5 melt-spun ribbons; a characterization by dc magnetization measurements was carried out. These alloy ribbons ...
    • On the synthesis, structural transformation and magnetocaloric behavior of Ni37.5Co12.5Mn35Ti15 melt-spun ribbons 

      López Cruz, Mauricio; Zamora Mendieta, Jonathan; Sánchez Valdés, Cesar Fidel; Sánchez Llamazares, José Luis (American Institute of Physics, 2021)
      "We fabricated Ni37.5Co12.5Mn35Ti15 melt-spun ribbons at linear wheel speeds (WS) of 20 and 8 ms(-1) (series A and B, respectively). The effect of a short time thermal annealing (30 min.) between 1023 K and 1173 K on the ...
    • One-parameter Darboux-deformed Fibonacci numbers 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Mancas, Stefan C (World Scientific, 2023)
      One-parameter Darboux deformations are established for the simple ordinary differential equation (ODE) satisfied by the continuous generalizations of the Fibonacci sequence recently discussed by Faraoni and Atieh [Symmetry ...
    • One-parameter Darboux-transformed quantum actions in thermodynamics 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Aceves de la Cruz, Fermín (2002)
      "We use nonrelativistic supersymmetry, mainly Darboux transformations of the general (one-parameter) type, for the quantum oscillator thermodynamic actions. Interesting Darboux generalizations of the fundamental Planck and ...
    • One-parameter families of supersymmetric isospectral potentials from Riccati solutions in function composition form 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Mancas, Stefan C; Chen, Pisin (2014)
      "In the context of supersymmetric quantum mechanics, we define a potential through a particular Riccati solution of the composition form (F ◦ f)(x) = F(f(x)) and obtain a generalized Mielnik construction of one-parameter ...
    • One-parameter isospectral special functions 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2003)
      "Using a combination of the ladder operators of Pina [1] and the Pammetric operators of Mielnik [2] we introduce second order linear differential equations whose eigenfunctions are isospectral to the special functions of ...
    • One-parameter nonrelativistic supersymmetry for microtubules 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Cornejo Pérez, Octavio (2003)
      "The one-parameter nonrelativistic supersymmetry of Mielnik [J. Math. Phys. 25, 3387 (1984)] is applied to the simple supersymmetric model of Caticha [Phys. Rev. A 51, 4264 (1995)] in the form used by Rosu [Phys. Rev. E ...
    • One-parameter supersymmetric Hamiltonians in momentum space 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Mancas, Stefan C; Chen, Pisin (2015)
      "Recent results on the one-parameter supersymmetric deformation in momentum space by Curtright and Zachos (2014 J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 47 145201) are presented in a more general framework following our own papers. ...
    • One-Pot Synthesis of Anatase, Rutile-Decorated Hydrogen Titanate Nanorods by Yttrium Doping for Solar H2 Production 

      Khan, Sovann; Ikari, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Norihiro; Nakata, Kazuya; Terashima, Chiaki; Fujishima, Akira; Katsumata, Kenichi; Rodríguez González, Vicente (American Chemical Society, 2020)
      "We have prepared yttrium (Y)-doped hydrogen titanate nanorods (HTN) by a microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. Y-doped HTN showed much improved photocatalytic activities for both H2 evolution and dye decomposition. H2 ...
    • One-Pot Synthesis of Iron-Modified Zeolite X and Characterization of the Obtained Materials 

      Murrieta Rico, Fabian Natanael; Antúnez García, Joel; Yocupicio Gaxiola, Rosario; Zamora Mendieta, Jonathan; Reyes Serrato, Armando; Petranovskii, Vitalii, (MDPI, 2023)
      Iron inclusion in the composition of the zeolite crystal structure endows it with new and useful properties. However, direct synthesis involving Fe, frequently creates unfavorable conditions that hinder the crystallization ...
    • Online monitoring of Mezcal fermentation based on redox potential measurements 

      Escalante Minakata, María del Pilar; Ibarra Junquera, Vrani; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; De León Rodríguez, Antonio; González García, Raúl (2009)
      "We describe an algorithm for the continuous monitoring of the biomass and ethanol concentrations as well as the growth rate in the Mezcal fermentation process. The algorithm performs its task having available only the ...