Browsing División de Nanociencias y Materiales by Title
Now showing items 432-451 of 588
Scaling analyses based on wavelet transforms for the Talbot effect
(2013)"The fractal properties of the transverse Talbot images are analysed with two well-known scaling methods, the wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM) and the wavelet transform multifractal detrended fluctuation anal- ysis ... -
Secretion of an argonaute protein by a parasitic nematode and the evolution of its siRNA guides
(Oxford University Press, 2019)"Extracellular RNA has been proposed to mediate communication between cells and organisms however relatively little is understood regarding how specific sequences are selected for export. Here, we describe a specific ... -
Self consistent measurement and removal of the dipolar interaction field in magnetic particle assemblies and the determination of their intrinsic switching field distribution
(2012-04)"Using low density arrays of bistable magnetic nanowires as a model dipolar system, it is shown that the dipolar interaction field coefficient can be measured from the remanence curves as well as from other functions of ... -
Self-adjoint oscillator operator from a modified factorization
(2011)"By using an alternative factorization, we obtain a self-adjoint oscillator operator of the form Lδ=ddx(pδ(x)ddx)−(x2pδ(x)+pδ(x)−1), where pδ(x)=1+δe−x2, with δ∈(−1,∞) an arbitrary real factorization parameter. At positive ... -
Self-image effects in diffraction and dispersion
(2006-06)"Talbot's self-imaging effect occurrs in near-field diffraction. In the rational paraxial approximation, the Talbot images are formed at distances z=p/q, where p and q are coprimes, and are superpositions of q equally ... -
Semiconducting Nanocrystalline Bismuth Oxychloride (BiOCl) for Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2
(MDPI, 2020)"The reduction of CO2 is relevant for the production of compounds as part of the carbon capture and utilization research approaches. Thus, photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over a tailored BiOCl-based photocatalyst (BTEG) ... -
SenseCityVity: mobile crowdsourcing, urban awareness, and collective action in Mexico
(IEEE, 2017)"The SenseCityVity project aims to engage youth in Guanajuato, Mexico, helping them investigate, document, and reflect on urban problems though mobile crowdsourcing. An Urban Data Challenge encourages them to collect ... -
Sensing Eating Events in Context: A Smartphone-Only Approach
(IEEE, 2022)"While the task of automatically detecting eating events has been examined in prior work using various wearable devices, the use of smartphones as standalone devices to infer eating events remains an open issue. This paper ... -
SERS properties of different sized and shaped gold nanoparticles biosynthesized under different environmental conditions by Neurospora crassa extract
(2013-10)"Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a surface-sensitive technique that enhances Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on rough metal surfaces. It is known that metal nanoparticles, especially gold and silver ... -
Set-reset flip-flop circuit with a simple output logic
(2012)"The equation of the plane (EOP) in analytic geometry is used to build a logic dynamic architecture, i.e., a combination of set-reset flip-flop (SR-FF) and basic logic gates. This is achieved by using two of the variables ... -
Shape invariance through Crum transformation
(2006)"We show in a rigorous way that Crum´s result regarding the equal eigenvalue spectrum of Sturm-Liouville problems can be obtained iteratively by successive Darboux transformations. Furthermore, it can be shown that all ... -
Shape memory behavior of Ni-Fe-Ga and Ni-Mn-Sn ribbons
(EDP Sciences, 2015)"Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys exhibit multifunctional properties due the martensitic transformation (MT) and accompanying changes in the magnetic subsystem. In this work, melt spun ribbons of nominal composition Ni55Fe16Ga29 ... -
Shape-anisotropic nickel-PDMS composites with uniaxial magnetic anisotropy obtained by emulsification under magnetic field
(Springer, 2017)"Magnetic microcomposites were fabricated by emulsification of a mixture of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and nickel microparticles. The composites were obtained in a temperature-controlled water-surfactant media with and ... -
Shifted one-parameter supersymmetric family of quartic asymmetric double-well potentials
(2014)"Extending our previous work (Rosu, Mancas, Chen, Ann.Phys. 343 (2014) 87-102), we define supersymmetric partner potentials through a particular Riccati solution of the form F(x) = (x − c)2 − 1, where c is a real shift ... -
Shifted riccati procedure: application to conformal barotropic FRW cosmologies
(2011)"In the case of barotropic FRW cosmologies, the Hubble parameter in conformal time is the solution of a simple Riccati equation of constant coefficients. We consider these cosmologies in the framework of nonrelativistic ... -
Silver nanoparticles loaded on Cu-doped TiO2 for the effective reduction of nitro-aromatic contaminants
(2015)"The addition of Cu species via copper glycine complexes as a strategy for doping the TiO2 structure during the sol–gel process produces a copper–TiO2-based composite. The combination of the copper–TiO2-based composite ... -
Simple method to synthesize functionalized carbon nanotubes employing cobalt nitrate and acetone by using spray pyrolysis deposition technique
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012)"Recently alcohols and ketones have been employed to sensitize CNT by CVD. A study has shown the importance of the chemical nature of those carbon precursors on the characteristics of the CNT (carbon nanotubes) obtained. ... -
Simulating unusual phenomena in low dimensional systems
(2011-12)"This thesis deals with physics phenomena in low dimensional systems, i.e., systems that range between few atoms and the bulk. The work deals with well studied (in this sense, classical) phenomena such as quantum tunneling ... -
Simulations in statiscal physics and biology: some applications.
(2006)"Una de las áreas mas activas de la Física en las ultimas décadas ha sido el tema de fenómenos críticos, y las simulaciones Monte Carlo han jugado un papel importante en la verificación de estudios teóricos y la predicción ... -
Sinterización por chispa y plasma de las aleaciones Heusler magnetocalóricas Ni50Mn37Sn13, Ni55Fe11Mn7Ga27, Ni50Mn35In15 y Ni47Cu3Mn35In15
(2022-06)"En este trabajo se obtienen sinterizados mediante la técnica de sinterización por chispa y plasma (SPS) de las aleaciones Heusler Ni50Mn37Sn13, Ni55Fe11Mn7Ga27, Ni50Mn35In15 y Ni47Cu3Mn35In15, y se caracterizan sus ...