Mostrando ítems 101-120 de 365

    • Synchronization of a distributed power generation system with the electric grid by means of current injection 

      Vázquez Oviedo, Erick Israel (2019-01)
      "This dissertation develops a new system capable to manage or even to reject electric disturbances from the grid network in order to set a reliable, effective and safe interconnection and synchronization between a Distributed ...
    • On-line estimation of VFA concentration in anaerobic digestion via methane outflow rate measurements 

      Lara Cisneros, Gerardo; Aguilar López, Ricardo; Dochain, Denis; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (Elsevier, 2016-11)
      "This paper deals with the design of a robust nonlinear observer as a software sensor to achieve the on-line estimation of the concentration of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) in a class of continuous anaerobic digesters (AD). ...
    • Sincronización de modelos matemáticos de neuronas mediante acoplamientos basados en umbrales 

      Caballero Flores, Felipe Manuel (2019-01)
      "En el área de sistemas dinámicos, el sistema de Hindmarsh–Rose (HR) es un modelo matemático bien conocido de la actividad eléctrica neuronal. Dicho modelo diseñado a partir de una generalización del modelo de Hodgkin-Huxley ...
    • New trends on modeling, design, and control of chaotic systems 

      Muñoz Pacheco, Jesús Manuel; Volos, Christos K.; Campos Cantón, Eric; Taher Azar, Ahmad; Pham, Viet-Thanh; Radwan, Ahmed G. (2017)
    • Numerical computation of Lyapunov matrices for integral delay systems 

      Arismendi Valle, Héctor Javier; Melchor Aguilar, Daniel Alejandro (2017)
      "This paper focuses on the problem of computing Lyapunov matrices for integral delay systems. It is shown that these Lyapunov matrices cannot be computed by means of the existing methods for Lyapunov matrices of differential ...
    • On computing estimates of the attraction region for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems 

      Melchor Aguilar, Daniel Alejandro; Niculescu, Silviu Iulian (2006)
      "In this paper, initial estimates of the attraction region for a class of nonlinear time delay systems are proposed. The approach is constructive, and make use of an appropiate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. Several ...
    • Estabilidad de familias de sistemas lineales de ecuaciones diferenciales 

      Aguirre Hernández, Baltazar; Campos Cantón, Eric; Díaz González, Edgar Cristian; Loredo Villalobos, Carlos Arturo; 000 (2016)
      "Para estudiar la estabilidad asintótica de familias de sistemas lineales de ecuaciones diferenciales lineales, x = Ax, con A 2 F, podemos analizar la localizacióon de las raíces del polinomio característico, p(t), asociado ...
    • Systems of 3-braid equations 

      Guevara Hernández, María de los Angeles; Cabrera Ibarra, Hugo; Lizárraga Navarro, David Antonio (2014)
      "The tangle model is a useful topological tool in the study of the mechanism of action of certain enzymes on DNA molecules. In particular, the model proves helpful to determine the topological structure of the DNA molecules ...
    • A generalized scheme for the global adaptive regulation of robot manipulators with bounded inputs 

      López Araujo, Daniela Juanita; Zavala Río, Arturo; Santibáñez, Víctor; Reyes Cortés, José Fernando (2013)
      "In this work, a generalized adaptive control scheme for the global position stabilization of robot manipulators with bounded inputs is proposed. It gives rise to various families of bounded controllers with adaptive gravity ...
    • Gain-scheduled linear quadratic regulator applied to the stabilization of a riderless bicycle 

      Brizuela Mendoza, Jorge Aurelio; Astorga Zaragoza, Carlos Manuel; Zavala Río, Arturo; Canales Abarca, Francisco; Martínez García, Mario (2017)
      "In this article, a gain-scheduling control is designed to achieve the stabilization of a riderless bicycle. The main contribution is the design of a stabilizing control system including integral actions based on an observer ...
    • Estabilidad de sistemas por medio de polinomios Hurwitz 

      Aguirre Hernández, Baltazar; Loredo Villalobos, Carlos Arturo; Díaz González, Edgar Cristian; Campos Cantón, Eric; 000 (2017)
      "Para analizar la estabilidad de un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales lineales x=Axpodemos estudiar la localización de las raíces del polinomio característico pA(t) asociado a la matriz A. En este artículo presentamos ...
    • Pseudo-random bit generator based on multi-modal maps 

      García Martínez, Moises; Campos Cantón, Eric (2015)
      "In this work we present a pseudo-random Bit Generator via unidimensional multi-modal discrete dynamical systems calledk-modal maps. These multi-modal maps are based on the logistic map and are useful to yield pseudo-random ...
    • Strange attractors generated by a fractional order switching system and its topological horseshoe 

      Zambrano Serrano, Ernesto; Campos Cantón, Eric; Muñoz Pacheco, Jesús Manuel (2016)
      "Chaos generation in a new fractional order unstable dissipative system with only two equilibrium points is reported. Based on the integer version of an unstable dissipative system (UDS) and using the same systems parameters, ...
    • Difference map and its electronic circuit realization 

      García Martínez, Moises; Campos Cantón, Isaac; Campos Cantón, Eric; Celikovsk, Sergej (2013)
      "In this paper we study the dynamical behavior of the one-dimensional discrete-time system, the so-called iterated map. Namely, a bimodal quadratic map is introduced which is obtained as an amplification of the difference ...
    • Synchronization and activation in a model of a network of β-cells 

      Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Steur, Erik; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Nijmeijer, Henk (2011)
      "Islets of pancreatic β-cells are of utmost importance in the understanding of diabetes mellitus. We consider here a model of a network of such pancreatic β-cells which are globally coupled via gap junctions. Some of the ...
    • Widening of the basins of attraction of a multistable switching dynamical system with the location of symmetric equilibria 

      Ontañón García Pimentel, Luis Javier; Campos Cantón, Eric (2017)
      "A switching dynamical system by means of piecewise linear systems in that presents multistability is presented. The flow of the system displays multi-scroll attractors due to the unstable hyperbolic focus-saddle equilibria ...
    • Performance monitoring of heat exchangers via adaptive observers 

      Astorga Zaragoza, Carlos Manuel; Zavala Río, Arturo; Alvarado Martínez, Victor M; Méndez, R.M.; Reyes Reyes, Juan (Elsevier, 2007)
      "In this paper, a method for monitoring the performance degradation in a heat exchanger is presented. This method is based on the use of an adaptive observer which estimates the overall heat transfer coefficient U. The ...
    • Open problems related to the Hurwitz stability of polynomials segments 

      Aguirre Hernández, Baltazar; García Sosa, Faustino Ricardo; Loredo Villalobos, Carlos Arturo; Villafuerte Segura, Raúl; Campos Cantón, Eric; 000 (Hindawi, 2018)
      "In the framework of robust stability analysis of linear systems, the development of techniques and methods that help to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions to determine stability of convex combinations of polynomials ...
    • Adaptive tracking via pinning in networks of nonidentical nodes 

      Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo (2018)
      "We investigate the control of dynamical networks for the case of nodes, that although different, can be make passive by feedback. The so-called V-stability characterization allows for a simple set of stabilization conditions ...
    • Constant-length random substitutions and gibbs measures 

      Maldonado Ahumada, César Octavio; Trejo Valencia, Liliana; Ugalde, Edgardo (2018)
      "This work is devoted to the study of processes generated by random substitutions over a finite alphabet. We prove, under mild conditions on the substitutions rule, the existence of a unique process which remains invariant ...