Browsing División de Biología Molecular by Title
Now showing items 3-22 of 602
A competent catalytic active site is necessary for substrate induced dimer assembly in triosephosphate isomerase
(Elsevier, 2017)"The protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis contains two nearly identical triosephosphate isomerases (TvTIMs) that dissociate into stable monomers and dimerize upon substrate binding. Herein, we compare the role of the ... -
A dehydrin-dehydrin interaction: the case of SK3 from Opuntia streptacantha
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2014-10)"Dehydrins belongs to a large group of highly hydrophilic proteins known as Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins. It is well known that dehydrins are intrinsically disordered plant proteins that accumulate during the ... -
A germin-like protein gene (CchGLP) of Capsicum chinense Jacq. is induced during incompatible interactions and displays Mn-superoxide dismutase activity
(MDPI, 2011-10)"A germin-like gene (CchGLP) cloned from geminivirus-resistant pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq. Line BG-3821) was characterized and the enzymatic activity of the expressed protein analyzed. The predicted protein consists ... -
A Lineage of Begomoviruses Encode Rep and AC4 Proteins of Enigmatic Ancestry: Hints on the Evolution of Geminiviruses in the New World
(MDPI, 2019)"The begomoviruses (BGVs) are plant pathogens that evolved in the Old World during the Cretaceous and arrived to the New World (NW) in the Cenozoic era. A subgroup of NW BGVs, the "Squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) lineage" ... -
A Novel Divergent Geminivirus Identified in Asymptomatic New World Cactaceae Plants
(MDPI, 2020)"Cactaceae comprise a diverse and iconic group of flowering plants which are almost exclusively indigenous to the New World. The wide variety of growth forms found amongst the cacti have led to the trafficking of many ... -
A Novel Isolate of Bacillus cereus Promotes Growth in Tomato and Inhibits Clavibacter michiganensis Infection under Greenhouse Conditions
(MDPI, 2021)"The need to produce food in a sustainable way to counteract the effects of excessive use of agrochemicals opens the door to the generation of new technologies that are not based on fossil fuels and are less toxic to ... -
A pilot study applying the plant Anchored Hybrid Enrichment method to New World sages (Salvia subgenus Calosphace; Lamiaceae)
(Elsevier, 2017)"We conducted a pilot study using Anchored Hybrid Enrichment to resolve relationships among a mostly Neotropical sage lineage that may have undergone a recent evolutionary radiation. Conventional markers (ITS, trnL-trnF ... -
Abf1 es una proteína esencial y participa en el silenciamiento subtelomérico en Candida glabrata
(2017-08)"Candida glabrata es un comensal de humanos capaz de causar infecciones en individuos inmunocomprometidos, y un factor importante para su virulencia es su habilidad de adherirse a las células epiteliales. Esta capacidad ... -
Absence of a significant pharmacokinetic interaction between atorvastatin and fenofibrate: a randomized, crossover, study of a fixed-dose formulation in healthy Mexican subjects
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2015-01)"Several clinical trials have substantiated the efficacy of the co-administration of statins like atorvastatin (ATO) and fibrates. Without information currently available about the interaction between the two drugs, a ... -
La acetiltransferasa de histonas TGF-1 es el coactivador de genes inducibles por la luz azul en Trichoderma atroviride
(2013)"En el hongo filamentoso Neurospora crassa, las proteínas White Collar 1 y 2 (WC-1 y WC-2) regulan todas las respuestas a luz azul descritas hasta hora. La proteína WC-1 es el fotorreceptor y junto con la proteína WC-2 con ... -
La acetiltransferasa de histonas TGF-1 regula el micoparasitismo y el metabolismo secundario en el hongo filamentosos Trichoderma atroviride
(2018-03)"El género Trichoderma es usado como agente de biocontrol contra una gran variedad de hongos fitopatógenos y oomicetos. Trichoderma spp. antagoniza a los fitopatógenos a través de la liberación de enzimas líticas, antibiosis ... -
Activación por voltaje del canal de cloruro activado por calcio, TMEM16A
(26/08/20)"TMEM16A es un canal de cloruro activado por calcio que controla el transporte de líquido epitelial, la contracción del músculo liso, el bloqueo de la poliespermia y la liberación de insulina, entre otros. La activación ... -
Acumulación diferencial de poliaminas y de los transcritos de las argininas descarboxilasas de Arabidopsis durante la interacción con dos cepas de Trichoderma
(2016)"Dentro de su entorno las plantas interaccionan con una amplia gama de microorganismos. El estudio de estas interacciones se ha centrado en aquellas consideradas como patogénicas, por lo cual, es necesario estudiar la ... -
Adhesins in Candida glabrata
(MDPI, 2018)"The human fungal pathogen Candida glabrata is causing more and more problems in hospitals, as this species shows an intrinsic antifungal drug resistance or rapidly becomes resistant when challenged with antifungals. C. ... -
Adipogénesis en mamíferos: su inhibición por neuropéptidos RFamida y una estrategia más eficiente para el cultivo de preadipocitos humanos
(2008-10)"This thesis is constructed in two reports to facilitate the analysis of the results and it investigation is based on two different aspects of the adipogenesis: the effect of the neuropeptides RFamida and culture of murine ... -
ADNc relacionados con la maduración del fruto de guayaba (Psidium guajava L.). Caracterización y análisis de expresión
(2013)"En este estudio se presentan los análisis bioinformáticos y de la expresión de cuatro clonas de ADNc que codifican para una poligalacturonasa (PG), para ácido 1-aminociclopropano-1-carboxílico oxidasa (ACCo), y para dos ... -
Advances in the Properties of Incomptine A: Cytotoxic Activity and Downregulation of Hexokinase II in Breast Cancer Cell Lines
(MDPI, 2023)Breast cancer treatments are limited by the cancer subtype and its selectivity towards tumor cells, hence the importance of finding compounds that increase the survival of healthy cells and target any subtype. Incomptine ... -
Agave salmiana syrup improves the production of recombinant human interleukin-2 in Escherichia coli
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2021)"The expression of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli is strongly affected by the type of carbon source used. In this work, the expression of a synthetic codon-optimized gene of human interleukin-2 in E. coli BL21-SI, ... -
Aislamiento e identificación de genes de chile (Capsicum annuum) inducidos durante la interacción con el hongo Rhizoctonia solani
(2007-09)"México es uno de los principales productores de chile en el mundo y destaca por tener la mayor variabilidad genética de Capsicum annuum. El chile junto con el maíz y el frijol son una importante fuente de alimentación ... -
Aislamiento e identificación de genes de Opuntia streptacantha inducidos en condiciones de estrés abiótico
(2008)"Las temperaturas extremas junto con la sequía y la salinidad, constituyen los factores ambientales que más negativamente afectan el desarrollo de las plantas. El nopal (Opuntia spp.) ha desarrollado adaptaciones particulares ...