Browsing División de Biología Molecular by Title
Now showing items 87-106 of 602
Bacterial biodegradation of diisononyl phthalate: molecular characterization and optimization
(2021)"Di-isononyl phthalate (DINP) is one of plasticizers most employed in the production of plastic materials and belongs to the most important environmental contaminants. In this work, a consortium of saline soil bacterial ... -
Bacterial wilt and canker of tomato: fundamentals of a complex biological system
(Springer, 2018)"Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is well-known as a model for study of plant–pathogen interactions, since it is a crop of global relevance and susceptible to multiple bacterial, fungal, viral and nematode pathogens. Among ... -
Bases moleculares de la incompatibilidad replicativa de dos cepas de Rhynchosia mosaic Sinaloa virus
(2014-11)"Los begomovirus tienen un genoma compuesto por una o dos moléculas circulares de DNA de cadena sencilla (ssDNA) de ~2.6 kb, que se replican por el mecanismo de círculo rodante (RCR) en el núcleo de la célula vegetal. La ... -
Basis of the hyperexcitability of nociceptive neurons induced by activation of protease- activated receptor-2
(2007-08)Proteases released during inflammation cleave a portion of the external segment of the Protease-Activated Receptors-2 (PAR2) and the distal portion of the receptor can then activate itself. The neuronal fibers of dorsal ... -
Biocompatibility of nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes with murine fibroblasts and human hematopoietic stem cells
(Springer, 2019)Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods to create carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with specific dopant atoms have been of interest in biomedical applications due to the relative ease of synthesis of doped CNTs with controlled ... -
Biodegradation of diisononyl phthalate by a consortium of saline soil bacteria: optimisation and kinetic characterisation
(Springer, 2021)"Diisononyl phthalate (DINP) is one of plasticisers most employed in the production of plastic materials and belongs to the most important environmental contaminants. In this work, a consortium of saline soil bacterial ... -
Bioelectrochemical changes during the early stages of chalcopyrite interaction with Acidithiobacillus Thiooxidans and Leptospirillum sp.
(MDPI, 2017)"A bioelectrochemical study of charge transfer in the biofilm-chalcopyrite interface was performed to investigate the effect of surficial reduced sulfur species (RSS), in the form of non-stochiometric compounds or polysulfides ... -
Biohydrogen production by the psychrophilic G088 strain using single carbohydrates as substrate
(Elsevier, 2016-05)"The production of biohydrogen by psychrophilic G088 strain ([EU636029]), closely related to Polaromonas rhizosphaerae ([EF127651]) was evaluated using xylose, glucose, fructose, galactose, lactose or sucrose as a carbon ... -
Biohydrogen production from cheese whey powder by Enterobacter asburiae: Effect of operating conditions on hydrogen yield and chemometric study of the fermentative metabolites
(Elsevier, 2020)"In this study, the response surface methodology (RSM) with a central composite design (CCD) was applied to evaluate the effect of temperature, initial pH and cheese whey powder concentration (CWP) on the hydrogen yield ... -
Biohydrogen production from mixtures of agro-industrial wastes: Chemometric analysis, optimization and scaling up
(Elsevier, 2018)"Cheese whey (CW) and wheat straw hydrolysate (WSH) were used to produce biohydrogen by anaerobic co-digestion of multiple substrates. In this work, the influence of pH, temperature, substrates concentrations on the ... -
Bioinformatic Analysis and Biophysical Characterization Reveal Structural Disorder in G0S2 Protein
(American Chemical Society, 2020)"G0S2 is a small protein of 103 residues in length that is involved in multiple cellular processes. To date, several reports have shown that G0S2 functions by making direct protein杙rotein interactions with key proteins. ... -
Biotransformación de metabolitos secundarios por cultivo de células en suspensión de Nicotiana tabacum NT1
(2019-07-09)"Los metabolitos secundarios (MS) son compuestos orgánicos con gran diversidad química; se clasifican en: terpenos, alcaloides, fenilpropanoides y compuestos fenólicos relacionados. La biotransformación de MS consiste en ... -
Búsqueda de marcadores moleculares en biopsias de pacientes con cáncer cérvico-uterino
(2005)"El análisis de muestras de tumores por tecnología proteómica, plataforma que combina la electroforesis de dos dimensiones y el análisis de espectrometría de masas es un enfoque prometedor para la caracterización molecular ... -
Candida albicans oligonucleotides, detection method, and kit thereof
(2015-06)"The invention discloses an in vitro method for the identification of Candida albicans, the sequences associated to said identification, as well as diagnosis kits for identifying Candida albicans." -
Candida glabrata contiene una variante más larga del gen de apareamiento Cgalfa2 en el locus MTL3, el cual puede formar homodímeros
(2016-10)"The fungal pathogen Candida glabrata is a haploid asexual yeast. C. glabrata contains orthologues of the genes that control mating and cell type identity in other fungi, which encode putative transcription factors localized ... -
Candida glabrata encodes a longer variant of the mating type (MAT) alpha2 gene in the mating type-like MTL3 locus, which can form homodimers
(Oxford University Press, 2016)"The fungal pathogen Candida glabrata is a haploid asexual yeast. Candida glabrata contains orthologs of the genes that control mating and cell-type identity in other fungi, which encode putative transcription factors ... -
Candida glabrata’s genome plasticity confers a unique pattern of expressed cell wall proteins
(MDPI, 2018)"Candida glabrata is the second most common cause of candidemia, and its ability to adhere to different host cell types, to microorganisms, and to medical devices are important virulence factors. Here, we consider three ... -
Candida parapsilosis oligonucleotides, detection method, and kit thereof
(2010-04)"The invention discloses an in vitro method for the identification of Candida parapsilosis, the sequences associated to said identification, as well as diagnosis kits for identifying Candida parapsilosis." -
Candida tropicalis oligonucleotides, detection method, and kit thereof
(2010-05)"The invention discloses an in vitro method for the identification of Candida tropicalis, the sequences associated to said identification, as well as diagnosis kits for identifying Candida tropicalis." -
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii' (16SrVI) en chile mirasol (Capsicum annuun L.) cultivado en Zacatecas, México
(2015)"Plantas de chile (Capsicum annuum L.) para secado tipo Mirasol que mostraban síntomas de yema grande, amarillamiento y enrollamiento foliar, fueron colectadas en parcelas comerciales en el municipio de Calera de Víctor ...