Publicaciones Científicas Control y Sistemas Dinámicos
Recent Submissions
Coexistence of stable states in a biparametric family of bimodal maps
(2024-07)"Demostramos la existencia de la monoestabilidad y la biestabilidad en el sentido de Lyapunov en dinámicas no lineales discretas y discutimos las propiedades asociadas con este comportamiento. Específicamente, introducimos ... -
Time-irreversibility indices and their application to the analysis of electrocardiograms.
(2024-08-27)"Presentamos un estudio de señales electrocardiográficas utilizando su irreversibilidad temporal. Realizamos un análisis exhaustivo de los datos, clasificándolos en tres categorías diferentes, a saber, (1) la señal ... -
Variantes del modelo de Deffuant para dinámica de opinión en poblaciones estructuradas
(2024-07-04)"In this work, variants of the classic Deffuant model without spatial restriction are presented. The importance of the model parameters in obtaining results is investigated. In these variants, the tolerance parameter d of ... -
Identificación en Lazo Cerrado de una Clase de Sistemas con Retardo Incierto en la Entrada
(2024)"En este trabajo de tesis se propone un esquema de control diseñado para una clase de sistemas lineales con retardo pequeño e incierto en la entrada. En particular, se combina un algoritmo de identificacion de retardo con ... -
Central Limit Theorem for a Class of Contractive Random Dynamical Systems and Critical Behavior in Connected Dynamical Systems
(2024)"In this thesis we use the spectral method to prove a Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for a class of contractive random dynamical systems. In this method, we start from the existence of a complex normed space in which the ... -
Bidimensional Deterministic Model for Diffusion and Settling of Particles
(MDPI, 2023)In this paper, we present a study of the diffusion properties of a deterministic model for settling particles in two displacement dimensions. The particularities of the novel deterministic model include the generation of ... -
Riccati equations of opposite torsions from the Lie-Darboux method for spatial curves and possible applications
(IOP, 2024)A novel formulation of the Lie-Darboux method of obtaining the Riccati equations for the spatial curves in Euclidean three-dimensional space is presented. It leads to two Riccati equations that differ by the sign of torsion. ... -
Sorting ECGs by lag irreversibility
(Elsevier, 2024)In this work we introduce the lag irreversibility function as a method to assess time-irreversibility in discrete time series. It quantifies the degree of time-asymmetry for the joint probability function of the state ... -
Switching Regulator Based on a Non-Inverting Step-Down/Up DC–DC Converter for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications
(MDPI, 2023)A regulator based on a converter with step-down/up characteristics is discussed in this paper, which is suitable for processing energy from a lithium-ion battery pack, where the voltage fluctuates from above or below the ... -
Flocking motion of multi-agent systems: A proximity digraph case
(International Federation of Automatic Control., 2023)We investigate the coordinated motion of a multi-agent system with heterogeneous distance-dependent communication constraints. In this setup, the underlying interaction network is dynamic since edges appear or disappear ... -
Monitoring β-Fructofuranosidase Activity through Kluyveromyces marxianus in Bioreactor Using a Lab-Made Sequential Analysis System
(MDPI, 2023)The yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus has shown the potential to produce ?? -fructofuranosidases, which are enzymes capable of hydrolyzing ?? -fructofuranosides links of fructans to obtain fructooligosaccharides. The thriving ... -
FPGA Implementation of a Chaotic Map with No Fixed Point
(MDPI, 2023)The employment of chaotic maps in a variety of applications such as cryptosecurity, image encryption schemes, communication schemes, and secure communication has been made possible thanks to their properties of high levels ... -
Control Scheme for a Quadratic-Based Step-Down On-Board DC/DC Converter to Be Used in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
(MDPI, 2023)This paper discusses a switching regulator with a quadratic-based step-down DC/DC converter designed using a reduced redundant power processing principle. This converter benefits from a non-complex topology, which aims to ... -
Robustificacion de sistemas lineales usando control por modos deslizantes
(2024-05-20)"El control por modos deslizantes, es un método de control retroalimentado discontinuo y robusto, donde las superficies de deslizamiento son conjuntos descritos por ecuaciones que combinan los estados del sistema. La señal ... -
Casos de Solución del Problema de Anulación de Curvatura de una Conexión Afín Simétrica
(2023-11)El problema de anular la curvatura de una conexión afín simétrica es un problema de geometría diferencial que surge en teoría de control, motivado por un problema de equivalencia (local) entre sistemas de control mecánico. ... -
Diseño escalable de un protocolo de control distribuido basado en retardos para una clase de sistemas multiagente
(2023-11-24)En este artículo, presentamos fórmulas analíticas para los parámetros de protocolo distribuido proporcional retardado (PR) que opera en una clase de sistema multiagente (MAS) de doble integrador (vectorial). Específicamente, ... -
On the Continuous Finite-Time Stabilization of the Double Integrator
(SIAM, 2022)"Continuous finite-time stabilization is often treated under the analytical framework of homogeneity and has been frequently illustrated in the context of the feedback control of the double integrator. For such a simple ... -
(2023-08-29)"Los convertidores de CD-CD elevadores o reductores son las estructuras convencionales más utilizadas en la mayoría de las fuentes de poder. Con el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías ha sido necesario convertidores con ... -
Biestabilidad por medio del rompimiento de órbitas heteroclínicas
(2023)In this thesis an affine linear system governed by a piecewise linear function is presented (PWL for its acronym for piecewise linear) based on an unstable dissipative system (UDS for its acronym for unstable dissipative ... -
Sustentabilidad energética: hidrógeno como combustible limpio en la generación de electricidad
(UNAM, 2022)"En este trabajo, se realiza una discussión sobre la generación de energía eléctrica a través de fuentes alternas que utilizan hidrógeno como combustible. Las celdas de combustible más populares son las de membrana de ...