• Stabilization of a class of biomedical systems via stability preservation 

      Solís Perales, Gualberto Celestino; Ruíz Velázquez, Eduardo; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Fernández Anaya, Guillermo (2008)
      "We present a method for stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems. The notion of stability preservation is exploited to prove that a transformation allows to find a stabilizer. The nonlinear systems have uncontrollable ...
    • Stabilization of bed Inclination angle in rotary drums by using computer vision 

      Flores Gutiérrez, Claudia Patricia; Reyes Obando, Antonio; Rentería Vidales, Octavio Israel; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (American Chemical Society, 2018)
      "Computer vision systems have had great importance in research of different industrial processes. Videos and photographs have been used to characterize the bed behavior in a rotary drum; in this way, the bed motion, repose ...
    • State and actuator fault estimation observer design integrated in a riderless bicycle stabilization system 

      Brizuela Mendoza, Jorge Aurelio; Astorga Zaragoza, Carlos Manuel; Zavala Río, Arturo; Pattalochi, Leo; Canales Abarca, Francisco (2016)
      "This paper deals with an observer design for Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems with high-order time-varying parameter dependency. The proposed design, considered as the main contribution of this paper, corresponds ...
    • Steady state equivalence among autocatalytic peroxidase-oxidase reactions 

      Méndez González, José Martín; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2016-12)
      "Peroxidase-oxidase is an enzymatic reaction that can exhibit dynamical scenarios such as bistability, sustained oscillations, and Shilnikov chaos. In this work, we apply the chemical reaction network theory approach to ...
    • Strange attractors generated by a fractional order switching system and its topological horseshoe 

      Zambrano Serrano, Ernesto; Campos Cantón, Eric; Muñoz Pacheco, Jesús Manuel (2016)
      "Chaos generation in a new fractional order unstable dissipative system with only two equilibrium points is reported. Based on the integer version of an unstable dissipative system (UDS) and using the same systems parameters, ...
    • Study and application of a desingularization algorithm for driftless control systems 

      Silva Loredo, Ana Cristina (2016-12)
      "En este trabajo se aborda el problema de planeación de movimiento (MPP por sus siglas en inglés) en modelos cinemáticos de robots móviles tipo carro con restricciones no holonómicas, también conocido como state steering. ...
    • Supersimetría y propagación de solitones en guías de onda 

      Pérez Maldonado, Maximino (2019-02-01)
      "Se hace el estudio teórico de la propagación de pulsos a través de un medio, descrito por las ecuaciones de Maxwell considerando las características materiales del medio, a través de la “ecuación de onda”; y se implementa ...
    • Supresión de caos en una subclase CK-equivalente bajo control óptimo 

      Campos Delgado, Daniel Ulises; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2003)
      "En este trabajo se presenta la supresión de caos por medio de una retroalimentación dinámica basada en control óptimo lineal para un subclase de sistemas dinámicos de tercer orden. Así, se compara un controlador clásico ...
    • Supresión experimental de caos mediante control nominal H∞ 

      Flores Estrella, René Alejandro; Hernández Rosales, Crescencio; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2002)
      "La contribución del trabajo aborda la implementación del sistema de control sintetizado vía H∞ nominal en un circuito electrónico que representa el sistema caótico del tipo Malasoma."
    • Sustentabilidad energética: hidrógeno como combustible limpio en la generación de electricidad 

      Díaz Saldierna, Luis Humberto; Leyva Ramos, Jesús (UNAM, 2022)
      "En este trabajo, se realiza una discussión sobre la generación de energía eléctrica a través de fuentes alternas que utilizan hidrógeno como combustible. Las celdas de combustible más populares son las de membrana de ...
    • Switched systems based on unstable dissipative systems 

      Campos Cantón, Eric (International Federation of Automatic Control, 2015)
      "In this work we present an unified theory of how to yield multi-scroll chaotic attractors based on step function, saturation, hysteresis and deterministic Brownian motion. This class of systems is constructed with a ...
    • Switching Regulator Based on a Non-Inverting Step-Down/Up DC–DC Converter for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications 

      Villanueva Loredo, Juan Antonio; Ortiz López, Ma.Guadalupe; Leyva Ramos, Jesús; Díaz Saldierna, Luis Humberto (MDPI, 2023)
      A regulator based on a converter with step-down/up characteristics is discussed in this paper, which is suitable for processing energy from a lithium-ion battery pack, where the voltage fluctuates from above or below the ...
    • Switching regulator based on switched-inductor SEPIC DC-DC converter with a continuous input current for lithium-ion batteries 

      Villanueva Loredo, Juan Antonio; Ortiz López, Ma.Guadalupe; Leyva Ramos, Jesús; Díaz Saldierna, Luis Humberto (Wiley, 2021)
      "This study discusses a control strategy applied to the switched-inductor single-ended primary-inductance converter (SEPIC) converter suitable for applications where the voltage delivered by a DC source varies from above ...
    • Synchronization and activation in a model of a network of β-cells 

      Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Steur, Erik; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Nijmeijer, Henk (2011)
      "Islets of pancreatic β-cells are of utmost importance in the understanding of diabetes mellitus. We consider here a model of a network of such pancreatic β-cells which are globally coupled via gap junctions. Some of the ...
    • Synchronization in complex networks under structural evolution 

      Anzo Hernández, Andrés; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo (2014)
      "We investigate the effects of structural evolution on the stability of synchronized behavior in complex networks. By structural evolution we mean processes that change the topology of the network. In particular, we consider ...
    • Synchronization of a distributed power generation system with the electric grid by means of current injection 

      Vázquez Oviedo, Erick Israel (2019-01)
      "This dissertation develops a new system capable to manage or even to reject electric disturbances from the grid network in order to set a reliable, effective and safe interconnection and synchronization between a Distributed ...
    • Synchronization of chaotic systems with different order 

      Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Solís Perales, Gualberto Celestino (2002-03)
      "The chaotic synchronization of third-order systems and second-order driven oscillator is studied in this paper. Such a problem is related to synchronization of strictly different chaotic systems. We show that dynamical ...
    • Systems of 3-braid equations 

      Guevara Hernández, María de los Angeles; Cabrera Ibarra, Hugo; Lizárraga Navarro, David Antonio (2014)
      "The tangle model is a useful topological tool in the study of the mechanism of action of certain enzymes on DNA molecules. In particular, the model proves helpful to determine the topological structure of the DNA molecules ...
    • Theory of vertically trasverse functions and their application to control of critical mechanical systems. 

      Sosa Zuñiga, José Miguel (2009)
      "En esta tesis se desarrolla y analiza una metodología teórica para atacar la estabilización práctica de configuraciones para sistemas de segundo orden descritos en grupos de Lie. En particular, esta clase de sistemas ...
    • Thermodynamic Formalism in Neuronal Dynamics and Spike Train Statistics 

      Cofré, Rodrigo; Maldonado Ahumada, César Octavio; Cessac, Bruno (MDPI, 2020)
      "The Thermodynamic Formalism provides a rigorous mathematical framework for studying quantitative and qualitative aspects of dynamical systems. At its core, there is a variational principle that corresponds, in its simplest ...