Browsing Publicaciones Científicas Control y Sistemas Dinámicos by Title
Now showing items 62-81 of 367
Bidimensional Deterministic Model for Diffusion and Settling of Particles
(MDPI, 2023)In this paper, we present a study of the diffusion properties of a deterministic model for settling particles in two displacement dimensions. The particularities of the novel deterministic model include the generation of ... -
Biestabilidad por medio del rompimiento de órbitas heteroclínicas
(2023)In this thesis an affine linear system governed by a piecewise linear function is presented (PWL for its acronym for piecewise linear) based on an unstable dissipative system (UDS for its acronym for unstable dissipative ... -
Bistable behavior via switching dissipative systems with unstable dynamics and its electronic design
(International Federation of Automatic Control, 2018)"In this work we present a design of a bistable system and its electronic circuit which is generated by a switching system. The switching system is comprised by dissipative subsystems with unstable dynamics based on the ... -
Bounded positive adaptive control for counterflow heat exchangers
(International Federation of Automatic ControlInternational Federation of Automatic Control, 2007)"In this work, we propose an outlet temperature control scheme for counterflow heat exchangers, that takes into account and actually exploits the analytical-stability features inherent to the open-loop dynamics. As a result, ... -
Bounded positive control for double-pipe heat exchangers
(2009)"In this work, an outlet temperature control scheme for double-pipe heat exchangers is proposed. Compared to previously proposed approaches, the algorithm developed here takes into account and actually exploits the analytical ... -
Braid solutions to the action of the Gin enzyme
(2010-08)"The topological analysis of enzymes, an active research topic, has allowed the application of the tangle model of Ernst and Sumners to deduce the action mechanism of several enzymes, modeled as 2-string tangles. By first ... -
Calibración de una camára por seguimiento de caracteristicas en una secuencia de imágenes.
(2004)"En este trabajo se plantea que un sistema de visión realice la detección, ubicación y seguimiento de un objeto. Se considera como sistema de visión, una cámara de vídeo con la suficiente capacidad técnica para realizar ... -
Casos de Solución del Problema de Anulación de Curvatura de una Conexión Afín Simétrica
(2023-11)El problema de anular la curvatura de una conexión afín simétrica es un problema de geometría diferencial que surge en teoría de control, motivado por un problema de equivalencia (local) entre sistemas de control mecánico. ... -
Cálculo de polinomio de Conway de 3-ovillos orientados.
(2011)"Puesto que una tarea importante en topología es la clasificación de nudos y enlaces, con ese fin se han desarrollado mapeos del conjunto de nudos (o subconjuntos de nudos) a valores en conjuntos con estructuras algebraicas, ... -
Cálculo numérico de matrices de Lyapunov de sistemas integrales con retardos
(2016)"En este artículo se propone un algoritmo numérico para la construcción de matrices de Lyapunov de sistemas integrales con un retardo." -
Central Limit Theorem for a Class of Contractive Random Dynamical Systems and Critical Behavior in Connected Dynamical Systems
(2024)"In this thesis we use the spectral method to prove a Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for a class of contractive random dynamical systems. In this method, we start from the existence of a complex normed space in which the ... -
Chaos evidence in catecholamine secretion at chromaffin cells
(2012)"Chromaffin cells secrete catecholamine molecules via exocytosis process. Each exocytotic event is characterized by a current spike, which corresponds to the amount of released catecholamine from secretory vesicles after ... -
Chaotic attractors based on unstable dissipative systems via third-order differential equation
(2016)"In this paper, we present an approach how to yield 1D, 2D and 3D-grid multi-scroll chaotic systems in R3 based on unstable dissipative systems via third-order differential equation. This class of systems is constructed ... -
Chua´s circuit and its characterization as a filter
(2014)"This article deals with Chuaʼs circuit characterization from the point of view of a filter based on the concept of piecewise linear functions. Furthermore, experiments are developed for teaching electronic systems that ... -
Closed-loop stabilization of a class of Lur'e system: application to chaos control
(International Federation of Automatic Control, 2005)"In this paper the problem of closed-loop stabilization of a class of Lur'e system is addressed. Under certain conditions of the static non-linearity, the control problem is proved that can be converted to a simultaneous ... -
Cluster synchronization in networks of structured communities
(2018)"We investigate the synchronization problem for a network of subnetwork with community structure. We consider a model with different levels of interconnection: At the first, strongly coupled adjacent nodes are modeled as ... -
Coexistence of stable states in a biparametric family of bimodal maps
(2024-07)"Demostramos la existencia de la monoestabilidad y la biestabilidad en el sentido de Lyapunov en dinámicas no lineales discretas y discutimos las propiedades asociadas con este comportamiento. Específicamente, introducimos ... -
Comparing performance on chaos control via adaptive output-feedback
(2006)"Performance of four controllers is experimentally compared and evaluated in context of chaos suppression. Four output-feedback controllers are used in experi- ments for comparison. First three schemes utilize an adaptive ... -
Comparison of PI controllers designed for the delay model of TCP/AQM networks
(2013-06)"One of the major problems of communication networks is congestion. In order to address this problem in TCP/IP networks, Active Queue Management (AQM) scheme is recommended. AQM aims to minimize the congestion by regulating ... -
Compensación de potencia reactiva y distorsión armónica de la corriente de línea usando un filtro activo paralelo monofásico
(2004)"La calidad de la línea de alimentación de energía eléctrica se ve afectada por una serie de perturbaciones causadas, principalmente, por factores externos como lo son: fenómenos metereológicos, fallas al funcionamiento ...