Browsing Publicaciones Científicas Control y Sistemas Dinámicos by Title
Now showing items 211-230 of 367
Identificación en Lazo Cerrado de una Clase de Sistemas con Retardo Incierto en la Entrada
(2024)"En este trabajo de tesis se propone un esquema de control diseñado para una clase de sistemas lineales con retardo pequeño e incierto en la entrada. En particular, se combina un algoritmo de identificacion de retardo con ... -
Identificación de modelo para incorporar escenarios de hiper- e hipoglucemia en control de DMT1
(2011)"En esta tesis se aborda la identificación de un modelo entrada-salida de un paciente con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 bajo el régimen de terapia intensiva, es decir con monitoreo continuo de glucosa y suministro continuo de ... -
Implementación analógica del mapeo casa de campaña
(Asociación de México de Control Automático A.C., 2018)"En este trabajo se presenta la implementación electrónica del sistema dinámico discreto conocido como casa de campaña (tent map). En el diseño del circuito electrónico han sido considerados componentes pasivos y activos, ... -
Implementación de un controlador para un filtro activo serie usando un procesador digital de señales
(2004)"En la presente tesis se propone un controlador para el filtro activo serie, también conocido como DVR, destinado a aliviar el problema de la distorsión del voltaje de la línea. Conociendo el modelo matemático de es te ... -
Inclusión de bioseñales como funciones de peso en un sistema de control retroalimentado para manejo de glucemia en Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1
(2008)"En esta tesis, se aborda el diseño de controladores de glucosa para su aplicación en la terapia llamada páncreas endocrino artificial en Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1. La aportación principal es el diseño de controladores que ... -
Infinite families of hyperbolic prime knots with alternation number 1 and dealternating number n
(2017)"For each positive integer n we will construct a family of infinitely many hyperbolic prime knots with alternation number 1, dealternating number equal to n, braid index equal to n+3 and Turaev genus equal to n." -
Information entropy production of maximum entropy markov chains from spike trains
(MDPI, 2018)"The spiking activity of neuronal networks follows laws that are not time-reversal symmetric; the notion of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons, stimulus correlations and noise correlations have a clear time order. ... -
Instrumentation of a bicycle without driver for experimental testing of automatic control
(2016)"In this paper, the instrumentation of a riderless bicycle prototype for control purposes is addressed. The proposed instrumentation is based on the mathematical model of a bicycle, in which the dynamical variables correspond ... -
Invariant densities and phase transition phenomenon in random maps in the interval
(2023-04-25)"In this thesis, we propose a definition of the phase transition phenomenon with respect to a parameter, in the sense of non-existence or existence of an absolutely continuous invariant measure with respect to the Lebesgue ... -
Itinerary synchronization between PWL systems coupled with unidirectional links
(Elsevier, 2019)"In this paper the collective dynamics of N-coupled piecewise linear (PWL) systems with different number of scrolls is studied. The coupling is in a master-slave sequence configuration, with this type of coupling we ... -
Itinerary synchronization between PWL systems coupled with unidirectional links
(2019)"In this paper the collective dynamics of N-coupled piecewise linear (PWL) systems with different number of scrolls is studied. The coupling is in a master-slave sequence configuration, with this type of coupling we ... -
Large deviations properties of maximum entropy markov chains from spike trains
(MDPI, 2018)"We consider the maximum entropy Markov chain inference approach to characterize the collective statistics of neuronal spike trains, focusing on the statistical properties of the inferred model. To find the maximum entropy ... -
Lie algebra on synchronization of different systems: a generalized function for Hodgkin-Huxley neurons
(2007)"In this contribution two results are taken: (1) The synchronization of noiseless Hodgkin- Huxley (HH) neurons is possible from robust feedback based on Lie algebra approaches and (2) the fact that, from Lie algebra of ... -
Local-homogeneity-based global continuous control for mechanical systems with constrained inputs: finite-time and exponential stabilisation
(2016)"A global continuous control scheme for the finite-time or (local) exponential stabilisation of mechanical systems with constrained inputs is proposed. The approach is formally developed within the theoretical framework ... -
Localización de Atractores Ocultos en Sistemas Lineales por Partes Basados en la Ecuación Jerk
(2020)"Los sistemas dinámicos no lineales pueden presentar fenómenos dinámicos conocidos como atractores los cuales atraen a las soluciones del sistema que se encuentran lo suficientemente cerca. El estado final, es decir, el ... -
Lyapunov-based consistent discretization of stable homogeneous systems
(Wiley, 2021)"In this article, we propose a discretization scheme for asymptotically stable homogeneous systems. This scheme exploits the information provided by a homogeneous Lyapunov function of the system. The main features of the ... -
Magnetism of small Cr clusters: interplay between structure, magnetic order, and electron correlations
(2010)"The magnetic properties of small Cr-N clusters (N <= 6) are investigated in the framework of density-functional theory. The interplay between electron correlations, cluster structure, and magnetic order is quantified by ... -
Make a PI controller on an 8-bit micro
(2006-01)"This article shows you how to implement a classical PI (proportional-integral) controller on a simple 8-bit microcontroller. To implement the PI controller, we developed specific libraries that make it possible for the ... -
Mapas escalares de un convertidor elevador en modo corriente
(2003)"En esta contribución se analiza una clase de mapa escalar obtenido a partir de las formas de onda del convertidor elevador controlado en modo corriente pico sin rampa estabilizadora. Se establecen condiciones necesarias ... -
Mathematical model of blood glucose dynamics by emulating the pathophysiology of glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus
(Nature Publishing Group, 2020)"Mathematical modelling has established itself as a theoretical tool to understand fundamental aspects of a variety of medical-biological phenomena. The predictive power of mathematical models on some chronic conditions ...