Browsing Publicaciones Científicas Control y Sistemas Dinámicos by Title
Now showing items 175-194 of 367
Feedback induction of limit cycle in a bioreactor: controlling towards scale-down
(2004)"The feedback stabilization of periodic orbits (induction of limit cycle) via PI-like control is proposed as plausible tool for scale-down studies. An isothermal continuous stirred tank bioreactor (CSTB), with nonideal ... -
Finite-time continuous control for mechanical systems with bounded inputs
(2020-06)"In this dissertation the design of finite-time/exponential continuous control schemes for mechanical systems with bounded inputs is presented. The work involves the recent theoretical framework of local homogeneity, which ... -
Finite-time observer-based output-feedback control for the global stabilisation of the PVTOL aircraft with bounded inputs
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2016-05)"In this work, an output-feedback scheme for the global stabilisation of the planar vertical take-off and landing aircraft with bounded inputs is developed taking into account the positive nature of the thrust. The global ... -
Flocking motion of multi-agent systems: A proximity digraph case
(International Federation of Automatic Control., 2023)We investigate the coordinated motion of a multi-agent system with heterogeneous distance-dependent communication constraints. In this setup, the underlying interaction network is dynamic since edges appear or disappear ... -
Forced synchronization of autonomous dynamical Boolean networks
(2015)"We present the design of an autonomous time-delay Boolean network realized with readily available electronic components. Through simulations and experiments that account for the detailed nonlinear response of each circuit ... -
FPGA Implementation of a Chaotic Map with No Fixed Point
(MDPI, 2023)The employment of chaotic maps in a variety of applications such as cryptosecurity, image encryption schemes, communication schemes, and secure communication has been made possible thanks to their properties of high levels ... -
Fractional order chaotic systems and their electronic design
(2017-07)"Con el desarrollo del cálculo fraccionario y la teoría del caos, los sistemas caóticos de orden fraccionario se han convertido en una forma útil de evaluar las características de los sistemas dinámicos. En esta dirección, ... -
Freezing phase transition in a fractal potential
(IOP Publishing, 2019)"In this work we propose a simple example of a one-dimensional thermodynamic system where non-interacting particles are allowed to move over the [0, 1] interval, which are influenced by a potential with a fractal structure. ... -
Funcionales de Lyapunov-Krasovskii para sistemas con retardo de tipo neutro en la forma de Hale
(2022-06-14)"Los sistemas con retardos de tipo neutro son sistemas dinámicos que involucran en su descripción matemática estados presentes y pasados, así como derivadas de estados pasados. Existen esencialmente dos formas de representar ... -
Further advancements on the output-feedback global continuous control for the finite-time and exponential stabilisation of bounded-input mechanical systems: desired conservative-force compensation and experiments
(2018)"Global Saturating-Proportional Saturating-Derivative (SP-SD) type continuous control for the finite-time or (local) exponential stabilisation of mechanical systems with bounded inputs is achieved avoiding velocity variables ... -
Further results on exponential stability of linear continuous time difference systems
(2013-06)"This paper provides further Lyapunov results for the exponential stability of linear continuous time difference system involving discrete and distributed delays. We consider such a class of systems in the case when the ... -
Gain-scheduled linear quadratic regulator applied to the stabilization of a riderless bicycle
(2017)"In this article, a gain-scheduling control is designed to achieve the stabilization of a riderless bicycle. The main contribution is the design of a stabilizing control system including integral actions based on an observer ... -
Generación de atractores ocultos multienroscados y tipo rejilla en sistemas sin puntos de equilibrio y en sistemas multiestables con atractores auto-excitados
(2020)"Recientemente se han reportado sistemas sin puntos de equilibrio con atractores caóticos. Los atractores caóticos dados por sistemas sin puntos de equilibrio pertenecen a una clase de atractores conocidos como atractores ... -
Generación de cajas de sustitución útiles en cifrado por bloques con base en dinámica caótica
(2021)"En este trabajo de tesis, se presentan algoritmos para el diseño de cajas de sustitución de n×n-bits (conocidas como S-boxes por su nombre en inglés), basadas en series de tiempo de un sistema dinámico discreto con ... -
Generación de comportamientos colectivos sobre grafos de proximidad
(2022-01-05)"The distributed control of multi-robot systems has been studied extensively in the past few decades. Theoretical frameworks, where graphs model the local interactions between robots, have been developed to analyze and ... -
Generación de secuencias seudo-aleatorias con base en sistemas dinámicos discretos
(2017-12)"El “efecto mariposa” es un término que se acuñó para describir como una pequeña perturbación puede tener grandes repercusiones. Este concepto está relacionado con la sensibilidad a las condiciones iniciales que presenta ... -
Generación de sistemas dinámicos lineales por partes caóticos sin puntos de equilibrio
(2016-07)"Los sistemas dinámicos con comportamiento caótico han sido de gran utilidad para el modelado de fenómenos así como para el desarrollo de nueva tecnología en diversas áreas del conocimiento. En 1994 Sprott reportó 19 casos ... -
Generación de sistemas dinámicos multiestables
(2016-08)"El trabajo de investigación que está presente en esta tesis se enfoca en la generación de sistemas dinámicos multiestables. Aquí, la multiestabilidad puede ser vista como un fenómeno a través del cual, un sistema lineal ... -
Generalized multistable structure via chaotic synchronization and preservation of scrolls
(2013)"Switched systems are capable of generating chaotic multi-scroll behavior in by means of a control signal. This signal regulates an equilibrium position of the system and is defined according to the number of scrolls that ... -
Generation of a reconfigurable logical cell using evolutionary computation
(Hindawi, 2013)"In nature, an interesting topic is about how a cell can be reconfigured in order to achieve a different task. Another interesting topic is about the learning process that seems to be a trial and error process. In this ...