Browsing Publicaciones Científicas Control y Sistemas Dinámicos by Title
Now showing items 303-322 of 367
Redes booleanas
(2013)"En el año 2009. Zhang et al, publican un circuito simple de compuertas lógicas no reguladas por una señal de reloj que muestra un comportamiento caótico. La red que presentan consta de tres nodos, los cuales implementan ... -
Regulación por fijación en redes de modelos neuronales linealmente acoplados
(2018-07)"En la vida real existen muchos sistemas complejos de diferente naturaleza ya sean biológicos, físicos, sociales o tecnológicos; los cuales pueden ser representados matemáticamente como grafos donde los nodos son sistemas ... -
Regulador conmutado usando convertidores de alta reducción para microprocesadores
(2015-10)"The present trend in the design of microprocessors is driven by power supplies with a very low output voltage (~ 1 V ), a regulation window (~ 100mV ), a wide voltage conversion (1/12 a 1/48), and additionally an increment ... -
Regulador de voltaje basado en un convertidor SEPIC con una celda de inductores conmutados
(2018-07)"Los convertidores de corriente directa a corriente directa han sido típicamente usados para elevar o disminuir el voltaje; sin embargo, en algunas aplicaciones existe la necesidad de mantener un voltaje regulado a partir ... -
Regulador de voltaje para un módulo de celdas de combustible.
(2013)"Un módulo de celdas de combustible produce a la salida un nivel bajo de voltaje de corriente directa con una gran variación en su valor. Adicionalmente, este voltaje tiene una dependencia no lineal con la corriente; es ... -
Regulador para el sistema eléctrico automotriz de voltaje dual de 42 V/14 V.
(2018)"Debido a la tendencia experimentada durante las últimas décadas en el aumento en el requerimiento de energía en vehículos, se espera que, durante los próximos años, esta demanda de energía continúe creciendo significativamente, ... -
Reguladores de voltaje basados en convertidores con capacitores conmutados
(2019-03)"En los últimos años, los nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos demandan sistemas de procesamiento de energía con alta eficiencia y, para aplicaciones que realizan conversión de la energía proveniente de fuentes renovables, una ... -
Reliable compartmental models for double-pipe heat exchangers: An analytical study
(2007)"In this work, the analytical properties of the heat exchanger infinite-dimensional dynamic model are discussed. More importantly, those of a 2nd-order lumped-parameter model using the logarithmic mean temperature difference ... -
Riccati equations of opposite torsions from the Lie-Darboux method for spatial curves and possible applications
(IOP, 2024)A novel formulation of the Lie-Darboux method of obtaining the Riccati equations for the spatial curves in Euclidean three-dimensional space is presented. It leads to two Riccati equations that differ by the sign of torsion. ... -
Robust global stabilizing bounded control of a PVTOL aircraft with lateral coupling
(International Federation of Automatic Control, 2005)"This note provides a detailed stability analysis of a global stabilizing control algorithm for a PVTOL aircraft with lateral coupling (è ≠ 0) and bounded inputs. Such control approach was originally proposed considering ... -
Robust H∞ control of glycemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus via continous insulin plus Metformin
(International Federation of Automatic Control, 2018)"Several studies have shown that an adequate therapy for glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) can delay or prevent complications derived from this condition. To achieve the control objectives ... -
Robust mu-synthesis: Towards a unified glucose control in adults, adolescents and children with T1DM
(Elsevier, 2020)"Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) remains as a severe public health problem in a wide range of population, from children to adults. Recently, the number of diabetics worldwide and morbility rates are increasing. Therefore, ... -
Robust sliding mode‐based extremum‐seeking controller for reaction systems via uncertainty estimation approach
(John Wiley & Sons, 2017-01)"This paper deals with the design of a robust sliding mode‐based extremum‐seeking controller aimed at the online optimization of a class of uncertain reaction systems. The design methodology is based on an input–output ... -
Robust stability of integral delay systems with exponential kernels
(2016)"In this chapter the stability analysis via Lyapunov-Krasovskii method is extended to perturbed integral delay systems with exponential kernels. Several sufficient robust stability conditions given in the form of linear ... -
Robust switched predictive braking control for rollover prevention in wheeled vehicles
(Hindawi, 2014)"The aim of this paper is to propose a differential braking rollover mitigation strategy for wheeled vehicles. The strategy makes use of a polytopic (piecewise linear) description of the vehicle and includes translational ... -
Robust synchronization of a class of uncertain complex networks via discontinuous control
(2012)"We propose robust controller designs to synchronize networks with uncertainties in their node dynamics and their connections. We consider two situations: in the first, we assume that the effect of uncertainties vanishes ... -
Robustificacion de sistemas lineales usando control por modos deslizantes
(2024-05-20)"El control por modos deslizantes, es un método de control retroalimentado discontinuo y robusto, donde las superficies de deslizamiento son conjuntos descritos por ecuaciones que combinan los estados del sistema. La señal ... -
Self-tuning insulin adjustment algorithm for type 1 diabetic patients based on multi-doses regime
(Hindawi, 2005)"A self-tuning algorithm is presented for on-line insulin dosage adjustment in type 1 diabetic patients (chronic stage). The algorithm suggested does not need information of the patient insulin–glucose dynamics (model-free). ... -
Signal generator based on a chaotic circuit
(2011)"This paper is about a signal generator based on Chua´s circuit. It is able to generate chaotic and sinusoidal signals. It can generate other types of waveforms as well. These results are seen in the experiment carried out ... -
Sincronización de modelos matemáticos de neuronas mediante acoplamientos basados en umbrales
(2019-01)"En el área de sistemas dinámicos, el sistema de Hindmarsh–Rose (HR) es un modelo matemático bien conocido de la actividad eléctrica neuronal. Dicho modelo diseñado a partir de una generalización del modelo de Hodgkin-Huxley ...