Now showing items 244-263 of 367

    • Modeling and simulation of genetic regulation systems 

      Torres González, Luis Adolfo (2007)
      "Los modelos físicos y matemáticos son herramientas indispensables en el procesamiento de información biológica de la célula viva; desde una vía de señalización simple hasta una red compleja regulatoria. La predicción de ...
    • Modelo Euler – Lagrange de marcha humana: simulaciones numéricas y experimentos 

      Bravo Vidales, Angela Patricia (2016-03)
      "El cuerpo humano es uno de los sistemas más increíbles que existen y que ha sido de gran interés para muchos investigadores de varias áreas del conocimiento. En particular aquellas enfocadas en la locomoción humana. En ...
    • Modelos neuronales memresistivos 

      Torres Rivera, Moisés (2016-10)
      "El memresistor ha sido llamado el cuarto elemento básico de circuitos eléctricos y desde la implementación en estado sólido, ha surgido un remarcable interés por desarrollar aplicaciones que aprovechen la naturaleza del ...
    • Modificación del criterio de Mikhailov para sistemas conmensurados de orden fraccionario 

      Mendiola Fuentes, Jessica Carmin; Melchor Aguilar, Daniel Alejandro; 000 (2017)
      "En este trabajo se presenta la modificación del criterio de estabilidad de Mikhailov para sistemas lineales fraccionarios de orden conmensurado. Dicha modificación consiste en determinar la medida apropiada del cambio ...
    • Modification of Mikhailov stability criterion for fractional commensurate order systems 

      Mendiola Fuentes, Jessica Carmin; Melchor Aguilar, Daniel Alejandro; 000 (2018-03)
      "In this paper we present the modification of the Mikhailov stability criterion for linear fractional commensurate order systems. The modification consists in determining the appropriate measure for the total argument ...
    • Monitoring lipase/esterase activity by stopped flow in a sequential injection analysis system using p-nitrophenyl butyrate 

      Pliego Sandoval, Jorge Enrique; Mateos Díaz, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez González, Jorge Alberto; Valero, Francisco; Baeza Labat, Maria del Mar; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Camacho Ruíz, Rosa María; Sandoval Fabián, Georgina Coral; Herrera López, Enrique (MDPI, 2015)
      "Lipases and esterases are biocatalysts used at the laboratory and industrial level. To obtain the maximum yield in a bioprocess, it is important to measure key variables, such as enzymatic activity. The conventional method ...
    • Monitoring β-Fructofuranosidase Activity through Kluyveromyces marxianus in Bioreactor Using a Lab-Made Sequential Analysis System 

      Barbosa Hernández, Edwin Jaret; Pliego Sandoval, Jorge Enrique; Gschaedler Mathis, Anne C; Arrizon Gaviño, Javier; Arana Sánchez, Alejandro; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Herrera López, Enrique (MDPI, 2023)
      The yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus has shown the potential to produce ?? -fructofuranosidases, which are enzymes capable of hydrolyzing ?? -fructofuranosides links of fructans to obtain fructooligosaccharides. The thriving ...
    • Multipoint power quality monitoring system 

      Díaz Díaz, Irwin Allen; Ávila Martínez, Eber Jafet; Rodríguez Licea, Martín Antonio (IEEE, 2018)
      "In this paper, a multipoint power quality monitoring system is presented. The designed system is versatile and consist of one or more standalone portable power monitoring devices with database server capability and ...
    • Multiscroll attractors by switching systems 

      Campos Cantón, Eric; Barajas Ramírez, Juan Gonzalo; Solís Perales, Gualberto Celestino; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2010)
      "In this paper, we present a class of three-dimensional dynamical systems having multiscrolls which we call unstable dissipative systems (UDSs). The UDSs are dissipative in one of its components but unstable in the other ...
    • Multistability Emergence through Fractional-Order-Derivatives in a PWL Multi-Scroll System 

      Echenausía Monroy, José Luis; Huerta Cuellar, Guillermo; Jaimes Reátegui, Rider; García López, Juan Hugo; Aboites, Vicente; Cassal Quiroga, Bahia Betzavet; Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo (MDPI, 2020)
      "In this paper, the emergence of multistable behavior through the use of fractional-order-derivatives in a Piece-Wise Linear (PWL) multi-scroll generator is presented. Using the integration-order as a bifurcation parameter, ...
    • Multistability in a prion replication interconnected cell reaction network 

      Méndez González, José Martín; Otero Muras, Irene (International Federation of Automatic Control, 2018)
      "Aggregation of misfolded proteins has been implicated in a number of neurodegenerative disorders including prion disease. In spite of intensive research, the detailed mechanisms of protein misfolding leading to protein ...
    • Multistability in piecewise linear systems versus eigenspectra variation and round function 

      Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo; Ontañón García Pimentel, Luis Javier; Hurtado RodrÍguez, Diana Graciela; Campos Cantón, Eric (2017)
      "A multistable system generated by Piecewise Linear (PWL) subsystems based on the jerk equation is presented. The system’s behavior is characterized by means of the Nearest Integer or the round(x) function to control the ...
    • Multistable Systems with Hidden and Self-Excited Scroll Attractors Generated via Piecewise Linear Systems 

      Escalante González, Rodolfo de Jesús; Campos Cantón, Eric (Hindawi, 2020)
      "In this work, we present an approach to design a multistable system with one-directional (1D), two-directional (2D), and three-directional (3D) hidden multiscroll attractor by defining a vector field on with an even ...
    • Multivalued synchronization by Poincar coupling 

      Ontañón García Pimentel, Luis Javier; Campos Cantón, Eric; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo; Campos Cantón, Isaac; Bonilla Marín, Marcial (2013)
      "This work presents multivalued chaotic synchronization via coupling based on the Poincaré plane. The coupling is carried out by an underdamped signal, triggered every crossing event of the trajectory of the master system ...
    • New achievements in control of robotic systems 

      Santibáñez, Víctor; Zavala Río, Arturo; García Carrillo, Luis Rodolfo; Moreno Valenzuela, Javier (Hindawi, 2015)
    • New results on robust exponential stability of integral delay systems 

      Melchor Aguilar, Daniel Alejandro (2016-06)
      "The robust exponential stability of integral delay systems with exponential kernels is investigated. Sufficient delay-dependent robust conditions expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities and matrix norms are derived ...
    • New trends on modeling, design, and control of chaotic systems 

      Muñoz Pacheco, Jesús Manuel; Volos, Christos K.; Campos Cantón, Eric; Taher Azar, Ahmad; Pham, Viet-Thanh; Radwan, Ahmed G. (2017)
    • Non-alternating knots: alternation and dealternating numbers 

      Guevara Hernández, María de los Angeles (2017-08)
      "In this thesis we give formulae to obtain the HOMFLY-PT polynomial of certain oriented 3-tangles and links formed by the closure of them. Also we show formulae for the Conway-Alexander polynomial. We propose a construction ...
    • Nonclassical point of view of the Brownian motion generation via fractional deterministic model 

      Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo; Campos Cantón, Eric (2018)
      "In this paper, we present a dynamical system based on the Langevin equation without stochastic term and using fractional derivatives that exhibit properties of Brownian motion, i.e. a deterministic model to generate ...
    • Nonlinear and robust control strategy based on chemotherapy to minimize the HIV concentration in blood plasma 

      Aguilar López, Ricardo; Gómez Acata, Rigel Valentín; Lara Cisneros, Gerardo; Femat Flores, Alejandro Ricardo (2016)
      "A nonlinear PI-type control strategy is designed in order to minimize the HIV concentration in blood plasma, via medical drug injection, under the framework of bounded uncertain input disturbances. For control design it ...