• Extension of a factorization method of nonlinear second order ODE´s with variable coefficients 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Cornejo Pérez, Octavio; Pérez Maldonado, Maximino (2017)
      "The factorization of nonlinear second-order differential equations proposed by Rosu and Cornejo-Pérez in 2005 is extended to equations containing quadratic and cubic forms in the first derivative. A few illustrative ...
    • Fabricación de Memorias Resistivas Orgánicas basadas en Nanocompositos Polímeros-CNT 

      Portillo Rodriguez, Benjamin (2023-03-16)
      "En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se estudió el efecto de la interacción entre nanotubos de carbono de pared múltiple funcionalizados (f-CNTs, por sus siglas en inglés) y una matriz polimérica en su comportamiento eléctrico ...
    • Facile synthesis of a TiO2-Al2O3-GnPs compound and its application in the photocatalytic degradation of Diuron 

      Zurita Yduarte, Alina De J.; Gallegos Hernández, Diana J.; Sierra Gómez, Uriel Alejandro; Labrada Delgado, Gladis Judith; Fernández Tavizón, Salvador; Herrera Franco, Pedro Jesús; Godavarthi, Srinivas; Torres Torres, José Gilberto; Cervantes Uribe, Adrián; Espinosa González, Claudia Guadalupe (Elsevier, 2022)
      "New ternary materials TiO2-Al2O3-GnPs (TAG) were prepared by using an innocuous sol-gel method with a slight modification for the addition of graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs), under room temperature and atmospheric pressure. ...
    • Factorization method for some inhomogeneous Lienard equations 

      Cornejo Pérez, Octavio; Mancas, Stefan C; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Rico Olvera, Carlos (Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A. C., 2021)
      "The factorization of inhomogeneous Li\'enard equations is performed showing that through the factorization conditions involved in the method one can obtain forcing terms for which closed-form solutions exist. Because of ...
    • Factorization of the Riesz-Feller Fractional Quantum Harmonic Oscillators 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Mancas, Stefan C (IOP Publishing, 2020)
      "Using the Riesz-Feller fractional derivative, we apply the factorization algorithm to the fractional quantum harmonic oscillator along the lines previously proposed by Olivar-Romero and Rosas-Ortiz, extending their results. ...
    • First-principles study of Mn3adsorbed on Au(111) and Cu(111) surfaces 

      Hernández Vázquez, Esther Elena; López Moreno, Sinhué; Muñoz, Francisco J.; Ricardo Chávez, José Luis; Morán López, José Luis (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021)
      "A theoretical study of the Mn trimer adsorbed on the noble metal surfaces Au(111) and Cu(111) is reported. The calculations were performed using first-principles methods within the density functional theory and the ...
    • First-principles study of Ni adatom migration on graphene with vacancies 

      Hernández Vázquez, Esther Elena; Muñoz, Francisco J.; López Moreno, Sinhué; Morán López, José Luis (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019)
      "A theoretical study based on first-principles calculations about the interaction and diffusion of Ni atoms on pristine graphene and graphene with a single vacancy is presented. In the first case, we explored the structural ...
    • Flexible rewritable organic memory devices using nitrogen-doped CNTs/PEDOT:PSS composites 

      Rosales-Gallegos, Israel A; Ávila Niño, José Antonio; Hernández Arriaga, Daniel; Reyes Reyes, Marisol; López Sandoval, Román (Elsevier, 2017)
      "Nonvolatile rewritable organic memory devices based on poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and nitrogen doped multi-walled carbon nanotube (NCNT) nanocomposites were fabricated on glass ...
    • Formation and atomic structure of hierarchical boron nitride nanostructures 

      Silva Molina, Ramon Antonio; Muñoz Sandoval, Emilio; Gamez Corrales, Rogelio; Guirado López, Ricardo Alberto (2015)
      "We report a combined experimental and theoretical study of boron nitride (BN) nanostructures synthesized by ball milling methodology. The BN nanostructures were obtained using h-BN powder under low-vacuum conditions and ...
    • Frenet-Serret vacuum radiation, detection proposals and related topics 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2005)
      "The paradigmatic Unruh radiation is an ideal and simple case of stationary vacuum radiation patterns related to worldlines defined as Frenet-Serret curves. We review the corresponding body of literature as well as the ...
    • FRW barotropic zero modes: dynamical systems observability 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Ibarra Junquera, Vrani (2007)
      "The dynamical systems observability properties of barotropic bosonic and fermionic FRW cosmological oscillators are investigated. Nonlinear techniques for dynamical analysis have been recently developed in many engineering ...
    • Funcionalización de óxido de grafeno con nanopartículas de paladio y su aplicación en la detección de hidrógeno 

      Martínez Orozco, Reinaldo David (2015-09)
      "Graphene is a two-dimensional structure of carbon atoms with sp2 hybridization, arranged in a hexagonal array. The utility of graphene is determined by its atomic width and the mobility of charge carriers (electron and ...
    • Furan and Pyran Functional Groups Driven the Surface of Nitrogen-Doped Nanofiber Sponges 

      Fajardo Díaz, Juan Luis; Rodríguez Corvera, Cristina de Lourdes; Muñoz Sandoval, Emilio; López Urías, Florentino (Wiley, 2020)
      "Highly surface oxidized, nitrogen?doped, and nitrogen functionalized carbon nanotube sponge (N?CFS) were produced at 1020?°C using two sprayers approach in an aerosol?assisted chemical vapor deposition (AACVD) experiment. ...
    • GaN haeckelite single-layered nanostructures: monolayer and nanotubes 

      Camacho Mojica, Dulce Carolina; López Urías, Florentino (2015-12)
      "Nowadays, III-V semiconductors are interesting candidate materials for the tailoring of two dimensional (2D) graphene-like structures. These new 2D materials have attracted profound interest opening the possibility to ...
    • Gating and anion selectivity are reciprocally regulated in TMEM16A (ANO1) 

      De Jesús Pérez, José Juan; López Romero, Ana Elena; Posadas García, Odalys Grisell; Segura Covarrubias, Ma. Guadalupe; Aréchiga Figueroa, Iván Arael; Gutiérrez Medina, Braulio; Pérez Cornejo, Gloria Patricia; Arreola Gómez, Jorge (Rockefeller University Press, 2022)
      "Numerous essential physiological processes depend on the TMEM16A-mediated Ca2+-activated chloride fluxes. Extensive structure-function studies have helped to elucidate the Ca2+ gating mechanism of TMEM16A, revealing a ...
    • Generalización paramétrica de la espiral de cornu en difracción óptica 

      Flores Garduño, Elizabeth (2016)
      "El objetivo general de este estudio fué realizar una revisión matemática detallada de las formulaciones básicas del fenómeno de difracción óptica. Es por ello que en el Capítulo 1 se presenta una descripción de diferentes ...
    • Generalized Cornu-type spirals and their Darboux parametric deformations 

      Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; Mancas, Stefan C; Hsieh, Chun-Chung (Elsevier, 2019)
      "We generalize the Fresnel integrals and introduce a class of spirals F-n, which contains the Cornu spiral as the case F-2. Their Darboux parametric deformations are also investigated. The F-3 spiral and some of its Darboux ...
    • Generalized Thomas-Fermi equations as the Lampariello class of Emden-Fowler equations 

      Mancas, Stefan C; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (Elsevier, 2017)
      "A one-parameter family of Emden-Fowler equations defined by Lampariello's parameter p which, upon using Thomas-Fermi boundary conditions, turns into a set of generalized Thomas-Fermi equations comprising the standard ...
    • Generalizing segregation and chemical ordering in bimetallic nanoclusters through atomistic view points 

      Reyes Nava, Juan Andrés; Rodríguez López, José Luis; Umapada Pal (2009-10)
      "We predict general trends for surface segregation in binary metal clusters based on the difference between the atomic properties of the constituent elements. The energetically most favorable site for a guest atom on a ...
    • Genetic algorithm optimization of entanglement 

      Navarro Muñoz, Jorge Carlos; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian; López Sandoval, Román (2006)
      "We present an application of a genetic algorithmic computational method to the optimization of the concurrence measure of entanglement for the cases of one dimensional chains, as well as square and triangular lattices in ...