Now showing items 317-336 of 587

    • Modificación y evaluación de polímeros semiconductores para su potencial uso en dispositivos fotovoltaicos 

      Cruz-Zavala, Aracely Sarai (2019-11-15)
      "Actualmente las celdas perovskitas de vanguardia presentan una configuración convencional tipo n-i-p que consisten en óxido de titanio (TiO2), semiconductor tipo n, cubierto por la perovskita y una capa transportadora de ...
    • Modification of porous nickel electrodes with silver nanoparticles for hydrogen production 

      Pérez Herranz, Valentín; Medina Orta, Ramiro; Taymans, Pascal; González Buch, Cristina; Ortega Navarro, Emma; Sánchez Loredo, María Guadalupe; Labrada Delgado, Gladis Judith (Elsevier, 2018)
      "Silver nanoparticles were electrodeposited into the surface of a macroporous Ni electrode. The developed electrodes were characterized morphologically by confocal laser scanning microscopy and field emission scanning ...
    • Modified metallic oxides for efficient photocatalysis 

      Escobar Barrios, Vladimir Alonso; Sánchez Rodríguez, Dalia Verónica; Cervantes Rincón, Nancy Ayerim; Jasso Salcedo, Alma Berenice (IntechOpen, 2018)
      "The aim of the chapter is to present modified materials like alternatives for conventional photocatalyst such as titanium dioxide. Discussion about silver/graphene nanoparticles-modified zinc oxide for the degradation of ...
    • Multibranched gold nanoparticles coated with serum proteins fit for photothermal tumor ablation 

      Carreón Alvarez, Clara de la Luz; Sánchez García, José Luis; Sanabria Ayala, Víctor; Ortiz Frade, Luis Antonio; García Rodríguez, Mario Enrique; Rodríguez López, José Luis; López Revilla, Rubén Hipólito (American Institute of Physics, 2020)
      "Photothermal tumor ablation might be carried out with multibranched gold nanoparticles (MBAuNPs) having maximum absorbance (A(max)) in the infrared region and functionalized with ligands that would bind them to the target ...
    • Multiferroelectricidad en ferritas M 

      Estrada Rivera, Bianca Iris (2018-06)
      "Con la finalidad de esclarecer la existencia de propiedades magnéticas y eléctricas en ferritas tipo M se realizó la síntesis apropiada de estos materiales, que se caracterizan por una estructura cristalina hexagonal ...
    • Multifractal analyses of row sum signals of elementary cellular automata 

      Murguía, José; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2012)
      "We first apply the WT-MFDFA, MFDFA, and WTMM multifractal methods to binomial multifrac-tal time series of three different binomial parameters and find that the WTMM method indicates an enhanced difference between the fractal ...
    • Multifractal analysis of the symmetry of a strictly isospectral energy landscape on a square lattice 

      de la Cruz Díaz, Josué Domingo; Murguía, José; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (Elsevier, 2021)
      "We use the Höder regularity analysis to study the symmetry breaking and recovery due to a parametric potential generated via the strictly isospectral factorization method. The initial potential is two-dimensional and ...
    • Multifractal properties of elementary cellular automata in a discrete wavelet approach of MF-DFA 

      Murguía, José; Pérez Terrazas, Jaime Enrique; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2009)
      "In 2005, Nagler and Claussen (Phys. Rev. E 71, 067103 (2005)) investigated the time series of the elementary cellular automata (ECA) for possible (multi)fractal behavior. They eliminated the polynomial background atb ...
    • Mutually unbiased bases and finite projective planes 

      Saniga, Metod; Planat, Michel; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2004)
      "It is conjectured that the question of the existence of a set of d+1 mutually unbiased bases in a d-dimensional Hilbert space if d differs from a power of a prime number is intimately linked with the problem of whether ...
    • Mutually unbiased phase states, phase uncertainties, and Gauss sums 

      Planat, Michel; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2005)
      "Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs), which are such that the inner product between two vectors in different orthogonal bases is a constant equal to 1/d?, with d the dimension of the finite Hilbert space, are becoming more and ...
    • N-step linear phase-shifting algorithms with optimum signal to noise phase demodulation 

      Adonai Gonzalez, Christhian; Servín Guirado, Manuel; Estrada Rico, Julio Cesar; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2011)
      "A common way to test an optical wavefront is to use a phase-shifting interferometer along with (for example) a three-step linear phase-shifting algorithm (PSA). The following fundamental question arises: what phase step ...
    • Nanocatalizadores Au/TiO2-X (X = Ni, Fe, Cu) y su aplicación en la producción/purificación sustentable de H2 y en la oxidación de CO a baja temperatura 

      Hinojosa Reyes, Mariana (2015-08)
      "Nowadays, the modern societies are based on the use of cars which are an essential part of daily life. However, these vehicles generate high amounts of emissions such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, volatile organic ...
    • Nanoestructuras de carbono dopadas con fósforo 

      Martínez Iniesta, Armando David (2020)
      "El dopaje de nanoestructuras de carbono empleando átomos tales como B, N, O, P, entre otros, ha demostrado la capacidad de modificar sus propiedades físicas químicas, tales como la dureza, conductividad eléctrica, reducción ...
    • Nanoestructuras de NPsAg/TNT y Ag3PO4/TNT como alternativa para la degradación de contaminantes y como agentes microbicidas 

      Núñez Luna, Blanca Perla (2018-06)
      "Los nanotubos de titanatos de hidrógeno son nanoestructuras alternativas (TNT) para tratar la contaminación ambiental, tales como la desinfección de microorganismos patógenos y la limpieza de aguas residuales y aire ...
    • Nanoestructuras y su caracterización por medio de microscopía electrónica de transmisión; ciencia y arte 

      Mendoza Ramírez, Miriam Carolina; Ávalos Borja, Miguel (UNAM, 2020)
      "The description of nanometric systems is still being a challenging topic, for this reason the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) scope is exemplified in a didactic way using several nanosystems (Au nanoparticles and ...
    • Nanotubos de carbono dopados con nitrógeno y boro 

      Olvera Martinez, Jose Agustin (2019-06)
      “Nanotubos de carbono dopados con nitrógeno y boro” En este trabajo se presenta la síntesis y estudio de nanotubos de carbono de múltiples capas fueron dopados simultáneamente con nitrógeno y boro. (N-MWCNTs, N-B-MWCNTs, ...
    • Near UV-blue excitable green-emitting nanocrystalline oxide 

      Rodríguez García, Carlos Eduardo; Perea López, Néstor; Hirata Flores, Gustavo Alonso (Hindawi, 2011)
      "Green-emitting Eu-activated powders were produced by a two-stage method consisting of pressure-assisted combustion synthesis and postannealing in ammonia. The as-synthesized powders exhibited a red photoluminescence (PL) ...
    • New advances in magnetic nanostructures 

      Morán López, José Luis (2007)
      "Some of the new developments on magnetic nanostructures are reviewed. The advances on the synthesis, characterization, and understanding of magnetic nanoclusters, magnetic nanowires and single molecule magnets are discussed. ...
    • New direction in nanotube science 

      Terrones Maldonado, Mauricio; Jorio, Ado; Endo, Morinobu; Rao, Apparao; Kim, Yoong Ahm; Hayashi, Takuya; Terrones Maldonado, Humberto; Charlier, Jean Christophe; Dresselhaus, George F.; Dresselhaus, Mildred (Elsevier, 2004)
      "We review the latest advances in the production and state-of-the art characterization of B- and N-doped carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nanofibers. We briefly discuss different approaches to producing these novel doped ...
    • Newton´s laws of motion in the form of a Riccati equation 

      Nowakowski, Marek; Rosu Barbus, Haret-Codratian (2002)
      "We discuss two applications of a Riccati equation to Newton´s laws of motion. The first one is the motion of a particle under the influence of a power law central potential V(r)=krε. For zero total energy we show that the ...